Saturday, December 28, 2019
Project Management A Unique Product Or Service - 1959 Words
Web Project Management A project is a temporary endeavour to create a unique product or service (Wikipedia contributors 2015). When this comes to IT we can define it as software enhancement or new software product, hardware improvements or fine tuning any process involved in an IT industry which can save time, money and avoid risk. Project management is the process and application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to different project activities so as to deliver project with all requirements expected by customer or client on expected time (What is Project Management? | Project Management Institute, 2014). Some of the activities that are involved in project management are ïÆ'Ëœ Planning ïÆ'Ëœ Organizing ïÆ'Ëœ Budgeting ïÆ'Ëœ Motivating and†¦show more content†¦Difference also lies between the expectation and situations that typically present. Main difficulty lies in web projects where client tend to change project expectation and project manager need to adapt the changes and deliver if possible within actual time (Thomas-Shelford, J, Gregory-Remillard, A, 2002). The main factors for any project management should be managing internal and external conflicts and providing motivation and leader ships to team. Web Project manager should be with knowledge of every discipline so as to be familiar with his/her team expectations and client requirement. The main challenges faced by any project manager are budget, scope, time, quality and to efficiently allocate resources and other inputs in order to achieve targets (Thomas-Shelford, J, Gregory-Remillard, A, 2002). There are many techniques used to manage all project activities some of them are: ïÆ'Ëœ The traditional approach ïÆ'Ëœ PRINCE2 ïÆ'Ëœ Critical chain project management ïÆ'Ëœ Process-based management ïÆ'Ëœ Agile project management ïÆ'Ëœ Lean project management ïÆ'Ëœ Extreme project management ïÆ'Ëœ Benefits realization management (Wikipedia Contributors, 2015). A traditional approach got a sequence of steps and cannot come back once done with sequence steps. Waterfall model is similar to this when we discuss traditional approach in software industry (Winston W. Royce, 1970). There is no need for all the projects to follow all steps in sequence. Some projects can skip some steps or can perform
Friday, December 20, 2019
Bones Dont Lie Essay - 2256 Words
Bones Don’t Lie The Creationist and Evolutionist worldview is one of, if not, the most controversial issue ever debated, and has been for centuries. The two oppositional worldviews are at, what seems to be, an unending war. Mainly because of their many blatant differences like: the age of the earth, the fossil record, the origin of plants and animal, but none more prominent than the issue regarding the origin of mankind. The Evolutionist worldview believes that everything in the universe: â€Å"a process in which something passes by degrees to a different stage (especially a more advanced or mature stage)†; including life, came forth of a naturalistic cause. From a simplistic form of some sort and gradually develops over billions and†¦show more content†¦Evolution is a theory taught as a fact in almost every institution world wide, from all level of academics: grades school to prestige colleges like Harvard and Oxford University. One of the many suppose â€Å"missing links†taught as evidence is â€Å"Lucy†(AL 288-1), the Australopithecus afarensis hominoid, strongly held as the best evidence for the evolution of ape to human (Oard, Richard). The discovery of â€Å"Lucy†was unearthed on November 30, 1974 by Donald Johanson and Maurice Taieb near Hadar, Ethiopia. It was named after the song â€Å"Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds†sang by the Beatles. Her age is staggeringly dated to be 3.18 million years old; one of the oldest remains found. One of the reasons for the upholding this was because she has the most excavated â€Å"intact†skeletal remains, or so it seems, with approximately 40 percent. Some of the bones includes: the jaw bone, hip bone, mostly rib fragments, pieces of the skull, phalanges or finger and toe bones, and the leg bones. It was from these leg bones that Johanson made the claim of Lucy walking in an upright position; a common characteristic of â€Å"ape-like†creature. The hand of Lucy clearly showed elongated bones; typical of chimpanzee like ape for climbing and swinging in trees. The structure of her pelvis was way to damage to get a valid interpretation. When it was rec onstructed, it was the size smaller than that of modern chimpanzees (Hausler). However, new data clearly show now that LucyShow MoreRelatedBones Essay1588 Words  | 7 Pagesattempting to make their mark on viewers. All of these programsâ€â€CSI, Lie to Me, Numb3rs, Law Orderâ€â€have the same general set up of a male lead with a hot-head who is complemented by his team of FBI agents. As a loyal viewer and fan of Bones, I often wonder what makes it stay afloat with so many shows out there like it. Could it be that Bones isn’t like any of the other crime shows? Through its crimes and unsolved murders, Bones helps its viewers make sense of the disastrous world around them. Read MoreAnalysis Of The Book Bastard Out Of Carolina By Dorothy Allison1505 Words  | 7 Pagesby the name of Bone. 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I mean, do you really want to risk hurting a friends feelings for actually telling them the truth, or not hurting anyones feeling with just a simple lie? â€Å"Honesty means you are alwaysRead MoreTheres a Lion in my Closet1293 Words  | 5 Pagesby the shoulders and forced her around. He clamped a hand to her mouth before she could scream. â€Å"Annie don’t.†He gestured with his eyes toward his closet. The door was cracked and at the moment (to Annie, at least) it felt like it would suddenly swing open and ferocious lion would leap out. She looked to her right and then back at him again. Marty wasn’t lying. He didn’t look like he was. â€Å"Don’t,†he continued, â€Å"it’ll hear you.†She nodded furiously and he removed his had from her mouth. â€Å"Is itRead MoreLord God, God And God851 Words  | 4 Pageshas a human personality: he lies, makes mistakes, and acts indecisively at times. Lord God says to Adam, â€Å"‘[B]ut of the tree of knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for [†¦] you shall die.’†(2.17) This proves to be a complete lie, since Adam and Eve don’t die after consuming the fruit. It could be Lord God lies to man because he is afraid of his potential. Essentially, the creator doesn’t have complete knowledge of his creation’s wants and needs. We see this when Lord God tries to make manRead More The Themes of How Sharp Snaffles got his Capital and Wife Essay1357 Words  | 6 PagesThe Themes of â€Å"How Sharp Snaffles got his Capital and Wife†Romance, ‘The Big Lie’, humor, and Moral, â€Å"How Sharp Snaffles got his Capital and Wife†contains all of these in a wonderfully written story by William Gilmore Simms. Sit back and enjoy a â€Å"potation†(423) from a â€Å"corpulent barrel of Western uisquebaugh †(422) while I argue my truths or is that ‘Lie’. 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Confident that you gentlemen would go along with them on the assumption--the evil assumption--that all Negroes lie, that all Negroes are basically immoral beings, that all Negro men are not to be trusted around our women, an assumption one associates with minds of their caliber. Which, gentlemen, we know is in itself a lie as black as Tom Robinson’s skin, a lie I do not have to point out to you. (Lee 273) What this quote is explaining is that the supposed fact that all Negroes are dangerousRead MoreSong Analysis of Testify, by Rage Against the Machine Essay examples1113 Words  | 5 Pagesthe wars: â€Å"Yes the car is our wheelchair / My witness your coughing / Oily Silence mocks the legless boys / Who travel now In coffins†¦My slaving sweating the skin right off my bones / On a bed of fire I’m choking on the smoke that fills my home / The wrecking ball is rushing / The pipeline is gushing / While here we lie in tombs...Mass graves for the pump and the price is set / And the price is set.†(Lines 13-16, 31-36, and 47-48) Testify also makes many metaphorical references to the judicial
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Academic Writing VR Technology
Question: Discuss about theAcademic Writingfor VR Technology. Answer: The selected academic writing is a review on the 360-degree VR technology used in a short-documentary film Clouds over Sidra. The writing has been produced in an essay format, which requires proof reading and editing in parts due to some incongruence in the writing style. For academic writing, I followed the process of academic writing in congruence with Paltridge et al. (2009). According to the referred framework, I followed the systematic procedures of conceptualizing, formulating, revising and reading. In the first place, I interpreted the movie as per my understanding on this discipline area. My dealing with the movie was rather subjective and abstract. After that, I chose to relate my interpretation to several authors of this field to make the interpretation precise. In order to produce the final writing product some I followed certain steps that include pre-writing stage, composition and post writing stage. For me, the primary task in pre-writing stage was to gain a comprehensive knowledge on VR technology and then I watched the movie and tried to understood how effectively the movie has incorporated this new revolutionary technology in its space. Next, the task for me was to review literature available in the earlier researches. I found that the literature review has been useful in gaining an outlook on the future prospect of this technology and then incorporating it in the writing. The evaluation of the literature has also helped me to understand how the application of 360-degree VR technology appeals to the senses of the audience and establishes a direct communication with them. Thereafter, in the next step I took down details from the movie and attempted a detailed analysis on how the application of this technology has enhanced the film expe rience. I came across that the analysis pertain a critical view that would judge each scene of the movie and then analyzed the effectiveness of VR technology used in that scene and critically considered the difference that has been brought by the technology usage in comparison to a traditional story telling. In the final stage of pre-writing, I planned and outlined the structure of the essay to make the task of composition easier. The second stage is called composition or drafting stage when I accomplished the actual task of writing the essay. However, it is quite usual to have some flaws in the first attempt of writing and hence, the post writing stage was required. This stage included the procedures of revision, editing and proofreading. In the post writing stage, I essentially adopted a critical and analytic perspective on the draft and in the first place, reread the entire essay once again. In this stage, I emphasized preference on reading aloud as this enabled me to identify the flaws at the time of reading more easily. In the second step, I began the task of editing concentrating on some particular procedures. First, I replaced the to be verbs with more strong and impactful ones and eliminated the over-used words. Next, I rather focused on usage of words to avoid clichs in expression. Some lines were not appropriate and meaningful in the context and hence, I felt it necessary to slash them. Besides, at t he time of reading I found out that, some paragraphs were not in harmony and that linking words between paragraphs and sentences were highly missing. Therefore, I made all these changes to elevate the writing to the academic standard. In the final stage, I took up the task of proofreading. In this stage, I marked up the changes made, then double-checked all the details and after making the remaining corrections, I was able to produce the final copy of writing. This method was an effective process for me to follow because of certain reasons, which involves a number of comprehending power and capabilities. The process had enhanced the aspects of my academic writing and the flow of actions, which has comparatively being involved with the drafting, composing and conceptualizing, rather than random flow of process. These methodologies have been involved in a number of instances, which aids in realizing the best of the practices and which helped me in developing a brief overview about the subject matter. One of the most efficient intentions of following this process is to accentuate and augment the academic writing procedures, which will enable the proper and appropriate use of syntax and lexicons. The analysis of comprehension by me includes both the stem of the appropriate writing and reading is essential for this piece of writing. Therefore, the efficacy of the four methods is significant which helps me in following a pattern that involves the tools and infrastructures of the following scenario. In order to improve the aspects of the technological involvement in a creative approach the methods that have been followed by me involves the proper usage of linguistic expressions. The language was not academically standard. Due to the result of following this approach, a number of modifications have taken place for instances like some verbs and words were changed and sentence construction errors were rectified. I have applied and incorporated these modifications, the impacts of which are visible in the outcome of the essay. In fact the long sentences needed splitting otherwise it could act like a complicated set of statements which have been improved by me through following all th e approaches in regards to the following subject matter. I have enabled my language learning competencies and abilities that have allowed the usage of the best linguistic expression of the essay. This is essential for delivering a compact and easily comprehensible piece of information, which contributes to the success of this presentation by me. Although there are, some alternatives, which could have, lead to a better result rather than conforming to the rules. The piece or the presentation could have been more useful and utilized by me if more time could have been allowed for understanding the type and category of efficient writing. The method could have been more appropriate if my responding capability to the effectiveness of the knowledge about this topic could have led to the changes that have been brought about by the instantaneous tendencies of academic writing and grammar. The alternatives, which could have aided the process involves the incorporation of better ideas like jargons of the morphological representations, grammatical fea tures etc. These features best analyses, the situation as it composes of the literary as well as the linguistics skills required in an essay. It is essentially important for the purpose of the scenario, which could have lead to a refined set of the presentation on the use of Virtual Reality for the experience of filmmaking. In fact, some cases like avoiding redundancies could have also influenced as a great practice that have been resilient to the approaches of the informative write-up that have been drafted by me. Often cases like linking words between paragraphs and sentences were highly missing which have been involved as a proofreading approach, which could have influenced the whole topic. The draft created by me entails a combination of both the academic along with the discipline-based writing, as the involvement with the whole topic is important for the tendencies that have been achieved by me in respect of the specific requirement. Therefore, the mixed approaches have been helpful to the fact that without the specific knowledge of the scenario the jargons and tools of technical writing could not be applied to the procedures. This method was an effective process to follow because of certain reasons, which involves a number of comprehending power and capabilities. The process had enhanced the aspects of academic writing and the flow of actions, which has extensively being involved by me with the different approaches of drafting, composing and conceptualizing, rather than random flow of process. These methodologies have been involved in a number of instances, which aids in realizing the best of the practices, which helps me in deriving a brief overview about the concerned subject matter. One of the most efficient intentions of following this process is to accentuate and augment the academic writing procedures by me, which will enable the proper and appropriate use of syntax and lexicons. The analysis of comprehending, and including both the stem of the appropriate writing and reading is essential for this piece of writing. Therefore, the efficacy of the four methods is significant which helps in following a pattern that involves the tools and infrastructures of the following scenario. On the other hand, in order to arrange and involve the constituents of an incredible piece of information I have to simultaneously lead the impacts that have coordinated to the best of the phenomenon by following both the academic and subject specific writing. In light of framework by Paltridge et al. (2009), I started with the conceptualizing stage for accomplishing the task of academic writing. Conceptualizing is the first of the four stages in sub-process and it refers to generating new ideas that might have been used in the given text, opting the preferred ideas that may be used and thereby arranging them to develop a structured text. As this stage was followed, I carried out drawing based on knowledge, maintenance of coherence and relevance and expressing further insight into the text. In the next stage of formulating, I transformed these ideas into sentences. According to the third stage of sub-process, I revised both the conceptual and formulated contents and amended the flaws like adding more ideas or correcting the typing and grammatical errors. In this context, as stated by Paltridge et al. (2009), revisions could have been done at any stage but I preferred to revise in this stage for my own convenience. The revisions set a diffe rent perspective to the essay and allow rectifying and being congruent to the changes caused in the essay. In the end, I followed the last stage of the sub-process i.e. reading my written essay once again to look for any opportunity to include new ideas and eliminate any kind of problems in the writing (Morley-Warner 2010). This reading procedure after printing the written essay document helped me detect problems in my own writing and this is how I developed my interpretation of the movie Clouds over Sidra into writing. References: Morley-Warner, T., 2010.Academic Writing is--: A Guide to Writing in a University Context. Association for Academic Language and Learning. Paltridge, B., Harbon, L., Hirsch, D., Shen, H., Stevenson, M., Phakiti, A., and Woodrow L., 2009. Teaching academic writing, University of Michigan Press.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Royal Caribbean Cruise Case Study free essay sample
The Royal Caribbean Cruises definitely lacked in many aspects of the Cycle of Capability. The article stated nothing about limitations and expectations of employees, employee recognition, how satisfied the employees were, employee referrals of potential job candidates, or employee/customer selection. However, since this case focused on technology, I can see that Royal Caribbean Cruise lines have incredibly well-designed support systems. With the leapfrog program in effect and several technological innovations Murphy implemented, the customer’s needs were not only met, they were exceeded. 1. ) After the arrival of CIO Murphy, the role and focus of the IT department changed drastically, in a positive way. Once appointed his new CIO position, Murphy made it clear that his main focus was on IT’s customers. One innovation that Murphy cited was linking the shore-excursion booking to the web. Before this had been done, shore excursions were a tedious chore for the cruise ship’s passengers. We will write a custom essay sample on Royal Caribbean Cruise Case Study or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This new innovation made customers happier, and decreased the costs. And since the passengers excursions were booked and payed for in advance, they would tend to forget and spend just as much money aboard the ship as they would before. Over 10 months, the approximate revenue was around $22 million. Another change was the onboard internet cafes and web access for the crew members. Charging the crew $0. 10/minute and the guests $0. 50/minute also drove the company’s revenue higher. Murphy initiated positive technological change to the cruise line, and it is no question that Murphy was the right man for the job. â€Å"Since Murphy’s arrival, there had been a 50% staff turnover in four years, and the revamped IT team had won significant awards in the past year. †The most effective IT change that Murphy introduced to Royal Caribbean was the Leapfrog project. 2. ) Leapfrog was a $200 million project which focused on supply chain, employee systems, and customers. The first aspect, supply chain, was â€Å"intended to rationalize the purchasing process, reduce costs, leverage RCCL bargaining power with vendors to get better prices, and improve inventory planning†. The second, employee systems, focused on upgrading the HR system in order to track employees. It also offers ship officers to access employee backgrounds, training certifications, and access to licensing. As for the third focus, customers, Leapfrog enables business users to view the customers and access the information through a single source, known as NexGenRes. By august, the Information Technology team had increased to 450 people, and their morale was higher than ever, making RCCL a tough competitor to other cruise lines. 3. ) After the events of 9/11, Royal Caribbean established a six person committee to discuss ways to boost revenue again. After carefully reviewing every option, Murphy and his team decided to cut 50% of the staff members. They then decided to consider leapfrog at a more appropriate time and able to finance the program. Although they suffered a catastrophic drop in business volumes, the 9/11 crisis encouraged the organization to be more focused and efficient. As stated in the article, â€Å"Murphy learned to respond more quickly by breaking IT’s goals into smaller projects and spreading them over a longer period of time to meet cash flow objectives. The idea of microstrategy allowed him to be more flexible and adaptive and to react faster to new environments. †I would recommend that the firm chooses the micro strategy stated above. The travel industry is forever changing, due to events such as the 9/11 crisis, and businesses need to be flexible in order to react fast. If firms aren’t able to adapt to new environments, then they will eventually cease to exist. ?
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