Thursday, May 28, 2020
Writing an Argumentative Essay About Social Issues
<h1>Writing an Argumentative Essay About Social Issues</h1><p>It is important to compose a factious article about social issues. The principle motivation behind why you ought to compose a paper about social issues is that they contact the core of each person. You ought not feel humiliated on the off chance that you want to think of one. All things considered, you are doing it for aiding others.</p><p></p><p>You ought to consistently recall that the whole world is comprised of people who have various interests. They all need to live better lives. These individuals all add to improve our lives. Be that as it may, consider the possibility that a few people don't add to improve our lives. That is when issues like sexism, bigotry, and different sorts of social issues will be tackled.</p><p></p><p>That is the reason you ought to figure out how to handle a questionable issue and you ought to never get deadened by dread of man aging a disputable issue. So as to address a dubious issue, you ought to consistently remember that you are managing the world and that you can prevail upon individuals regardless of whether you don't concur with them. Along these lines, you ought to consistently realize what to state and how to express it so as to come to your meaningful conclusions and contentions heard.</p><p></p><p>An pugnacious article about a questionable point ought to consistently begin with the information that you are in any case an objective for analysis. You ought to consistently recall that everybody has a conclusion and that everybody needs to be correct regardless of whether it implies disclosing to you that you are incorrect. Subsequently, you ought to consistently consider these things before you tackle a disputable issue.</p><p></p><p>Now that you realize that you are in the correct side of the battle, you ought to consistently recollect that social i ssues are not just about telling individuals that you are correct. Truth be told, you ought to consistently recall that you are doing this for individuals who likewise care about creation their lives better. This is the reason you ought to consistently recollect that it isn't sufficient to just stand in opposition to foul play however you ought to likewise battle for the improvement of the individuals who are influenced by the issues you are battling for.</p><p></p><p>To be on the correct side of this fight, you ought to consistently recall that you ought to consistently have the option to tune in to other's perspectives and suppositions before you can make your own. It isn't sufficient that you concur with them; you ought to consistently tune in to their perspectives and sentiments too. You ought to never accept that the individuals who don't concur with you should remain quiet on account of your presumption. You ought to consistently have the guts to stand up and express your genuine thoughts, regardless of whether you may outrage people.</p><p></p><p>Another significant thing that you ought to recollect is that it isn't sufficient that you put stock in something. You ought to consistently have the option to demonstrate it to yourself. In the event that you can't do this, at that point you should search for somebody who can. Recollect that there is nothing amiss with sharing thoughts, data, and information with other people.</p><p></p><p>Writing a factious paper about social issues ought to be done so that it will enable you to do what you should do. You ought to consistently recollect this isn't only a battle, yet you ought to consistently recall that it is tied in with helping individuals too. There is nobody who can't have any kind of effect in the lives of the individuals who are influenced by social issues. In this way, don't feel embarrassed on the off chance that you want to compo se a contentious article about social issues.</p>
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
How to Choose Your Extended Essay Topic
Step by step instructions to Choose Your Extended Essay TopicWhen you choose to win a degree on the web, one of the principal things you have to consider is the manner by which to pick your all-encompassing article point. There are a lot of choices accessible to understudies. Before you apply for admission to a school or college, look at the course prospectus to perceive what they bring to the table. You should take a gander at the instances of courses that incorporate an exposition and compose an article to coordinate those examples.Some course prospectuses have papers that get some information about their encounters with a specific issue or a related subject. In any case, a few schools don't permit expositions on explicit subjects since they are considered to be uninteresting. Thus, what would you be able to hope to compose in the event that you decide to compose a paper on a particular subject?If you have an inclination that your article isn't generally intriguing enough, you coul d attempt an alternate methodology. Take a stab at composing a postulation proclamation that depicts your significant thoughts. This will permit you to expound on a theme in detail without being too long.The last thing you ought to do before you apply to a school or college is examine the school you are applying to. Look into audits on the web and choose what characteristics you will like about the school. Ensure you take a gander at the understudy audit segment and see what different understudies state about the school. By investigating what individuals who have just gone to the school need to state, you will have the option to locate any negative parts of the school you are intrigued in.Look into the fundamental purposes behind deciding to go to the school you need to join in. You should compose an exposition to demonstrate that your principle purpose behind going to class is truly what you need to seek after. Ask yourself what you plan to escape it.Writing a paper is a significan t part of your examinations. It is additionally the main way that you can show potential managers that you are somebody who will exceed expectations in the job.Check out the course schedule cautiously. Search for instances of understudies who have finished their course in the prospectus. See whether these understudies are more gifted than you are.You need to make a rundown of profession objectives to which you should center. A few objectives will assist you with concentrating on getting into the correct school. Others will be progressively centered around close to home accomplishments.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Nursing homes are supposed to be a part of a long term care plan. But if there are no support and assistance offered to seniors in
Nursing homes are supposed to be a part of a long term care plan. But if there are no support and assistance offered to seniors inDo you really want to write your own essay? Many people dream of writing their own essay and will start writing it right away.These folks become discouraged with the amount of work they will have to put into writing a new essay. They will even hire someone to help them in this process but this is not the best thing to do if you are serious about getting a degree.If you truly want to make a statement when it comes to your new college classes, you must know how to do a good essay. Many students feel this way because they do not know the proper ways of learning the skills of writing essays.Your essay is one of the most important parts of your coursework. Writing an essay can be quite an enjoyable experience. It can be a great way to remember what you learned in your classes and a wonderful way to improve upon your overall level of knowledge.These are two of t he most important skills you can ever learn. A new student should never overlook this aspect of being a student. You will be able to remember more of your class when you can organize your thoughts and can make those sentences come out right.If you start to realize how much writing is involved in your new college class, you will be inspired to learn how to write an essay. In order to do this, you must learn the proper techniques. You can do this by hiring someone to help you with your writing.But you can also learn how to write your own essays yourself. You should take your time to do this because you want your essay to be as professional as possible. This is also a great way to make sure that you will remember the lessons you learned.Want to Write Your Own Essay?<|startoftext|> PARACOUNT 5 SENTCOUNT long term care ENDPARAMLong term care has become increasingly popular in the last decade or so because of the massive numbers of elderly Americans who are either confined to their homes or cannot care for themselves. For many seniors, the lack of support and care during their final years can lead to all sorts of health problems, such as depression, urinary incontinence, memory loss, etc.The downside to a nursing home is that it is a 'cash cow' for the insurance company because there is a lot of money to be made off of it. More often than not, seniors are provided with a nursing home to stay in. They are also advised to take medications prescribed by the health care provider, since the effects of aging are cumulative. It is also recommended that seniors live in a retirement community, to minimize the risk of falls and other injuries.There are various types of long term care plans: assisted living, apartment living, residence communities, independent living, home care, and other type of facilities. Long term care facilities are designed to provide care for the elderly that does not interfere with their daily activities. This type of care usually includes meals , visits, counseling, medication management, physical therapy, life skills training, physical exercise, mental therapy, etc.Most elderly residents of long term care homes have been in the facility for a minimum of ten years. Even though the facility is supportive and caring, there are certain medications that need to be avoided. Such medications include statins, blood thinners, insulin, Hepatitis C, seizure medications, phenobarbital, lithium, naproxen, Tramadol, and more.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Hair Essay Topics
Hair Essay TopicsIf you will compose a hair paper, the theme ought to be suitable. The paper ought not exclusively be fascinating yet in addition the themes ought to be identified with the subject that you are composing. The theme ought to be one that can draw in the peruser so they can peruse and gain from the essay.Writing an article on a related subject is an incredible method to ensure that it is composed with quite a few watchwords. You need to remember that catchphrases are significant for individuals who read and search for data. The catchphrases are ones that make the peruser look into the information.The watchword scan is accomplished for your exposition since it will help you recorded as a hard copy an elegantly composed article. Therefore, you will have the option to concentrate on what you have to state and not on different subtleties. Likewise, it will permit you to stay away from pointless words, for example, 'as', 'and'that'.It would be astute to focus on what matters about the subject you are expounding on. There are a great deal of subjects that are everywhere throughout the web that are simply short and straightforward. The vast majority have just perused and discovered them exhausting so they will proceed onward to other topics.Writing about things that individuals are keen on is a good thought. In the event that you can concentrate on a point that is progressively genuine, at that point that might be the best thought. This is on the grounds that the point you pick is one that is increasingly pertinent to the writer.You ought not restrict yourself to just smart thoughts or words yet in addition to the things that individuals are keen on. There are many individuals who are keen on the theme however simply don't have the foggiest idea where to discover it.An exposition on a mainstream point is an extraordinary thought since it is something that is preferred by many individuals. It is anything but difficult to see that there are individuals who have just understood it presumably still appreciate it.
Friday, May 22, 2020
College Essay Help
<h1>College Essay Help</h1><p>National respects society article tests can be used to compose a distinctions or grant winning exposition. National distinctions society paper tests give extraordinary assistance and direction to all understudies. Their models and rules make it simpler for understudies to form and draft their own school paper. It is significant for each understudy to become acclimated to composing a school article before being appointed one for his last assignment.</p><p></p><p>Every school praises society has its own particular arrangement of rules to enable the understudies to create a triumphant exposition. There are numerous wellsprings of respects society paper tests that the understudies can use. They incorporate books, online aides, college direction advisors, employees and different understudies. Understudies can likewise connect with their educators and solicitation help in forming a triumphant essay.</p><p>& lt;/p><p>The asset that most understudies seek first for composing tips on the best way to create a triumphant article are national distinctions society paper tests. The tips given in these examples are explicit to the specific school respects society that they have a place with. Along these lines, an understudy must be cautious when utilizing these samples.</p><p></p><p>For model, a national respect society can be based at one school and another might be situated at another school. One will discover an assortment of models for both. Understudies must set aside the effort to examine all of them to guarantee that the correct model is given. On the off chance that an inappropriate example is utilized, at that point the piece will be fragmented and of no utilization to the student.</p><p></p><p>A test ought to be one that is legitimately relevant to the understudy's specific circumstance. The school's fundamental intention is to assist understudies with prevailing in their school vocation. The utilization of counterfeited portions of the example won't fill its need. An understudy must regard the respect society's rules and look for the exhortation of an advocate before utilizing the sample.</p><p></p><p>A national respect society will be one that serves a solitary network and its individuals. An understudy may have a place with one school's respect society and be individuals from different universities respect social orders. Along these lines, he should not be restricted in the decisions he can make so as to form a triumphant school essay.</p><p></p><p>A author should consistently attempt to do what the individual in question believes is correct whether or not the respect society needs that person to do as such. This implies if the respect society says this is a fitting method to compose a triumphant school exposition, at that point the individual must compose the equivalent. An understudy should never feel undermined by the respect society since the individual in question knows the person in question will be composing a paper that will do right by others. National distinctions society test papers are an amazing wellspring of expert expositions that understudies can use.</p><p></p><p>With the assistance of these examples, undergrads can have a thought on the best way to make a triumphant article and hold their capacity to communicate their considerations and thoughts plainly. To get familiar with how understudies can utilize respect society article tests, click the connections below.</p>
Thursday, May 21, 2020
All About How to Stay Awake when Writing Essay
<h1> All About How to Stay Awake when Writing Essay </h1> <p>If you should find out about a point before you begin to compose, it is conceivable to promptly get data on explicit subjects, while others will be progressively dark and in this way increasingly convoluted to look into. Have another determination of the pertinent terms and tips which you will need to inquire about later on. Music will have the option to assist you with remaining alert at work and raise your focus levels, specialists state. </p> <p>There are various clarifications for why you have to favor our master administrations. There are various locales with different recommendations that can assist you with nodding off. As a general rule, broad examinations have exhibited that snoozes are related with expanded efficiency. It's critical to remember there is a plenitude of alleviating factors which can increment or lessen the time that it requires to compose. </p> <p>Sleep hardship is a normal issue for high school understudies that extend from the ages of 13 to 19. It can likewise adversely affect physiology that is basic for athletic execution. Exercise will likewise help increment your intellectual competence and cause you to feel enthusiastic. Activities will keep on keeping your body conscious. </p> <p>You may endeavor to move a piece in the foyers to wake yourself up, gave that nobody sees! A ton of people secure positions because of connections. No one prefers holding back on rest an d it is anything but an extraordinary thought either. Try not to concentrate on the interruptions. </p> <p>Writing an article in cold is perfect in the event that you should work for an exceptionally long second. The end passage in a paper demonstrates that you've shown up at the consummation of your composition. You should simply to find the best possible exposition on-line support. On the off chance that you comprehend the word article in the undertaking, it doesn't imply that any exposition will do. </p> <p>Attempting to over work your body will enable it to turn out to be much increasingly worn out the next day. The most effective method to stay wide conscious for college and discover some activity. Remaining wakeful while on the job is significant for a great deal of reasons. </p> <p>Locate a calm spot at work at which you can set down. Perhaps work'' is only a couple of minuscule undertakings for a few minutes every day, except little advancement is obviously better than no advancement in any regard. Welcome to the contemporary scholastic world. An extra method to draw in partners (and remain alert at work!) </p> <p>Whether you are needing a uniquely crafted article, a modified research paper, a customized inquire about paper, or potentially an altered theory, you may have confidence that we convey finished work of the greatest quality. You may picture all the thoughts you have to join into your exposition and you can make a great bit of work. The veritable on-line paper composing administration survey site shared by previous think can permit you perceive the sort of work it is conceivable to accept from the writer or composing administration. The certified on-line paper composing administration survey site shared by previous clients can per mit you perceive the type of work you're ready to expect from the writer or composing administration. </p> <h2> How to Stay Awake when Writing Essay Ideas </h2> <p>Balancing out your lunch, rather than just eating extra pasta, may hugy affect your day, as expressed by the Harvard School of Public Health Nutrition Source. By method of model, proportion out your tidbits and simply license yourself a chomp like clockwork. It is fundamental for youngsters to get adequate rest for them to work appropriately during school hours every day. Be sure to spread out a decent breakfast, since diet is actually the secret to remaining conscious when you're nodding off. </p> <p>As expressed before, remaining conscious in class requests successful time organization. Make certain to return to your standard rest plan once you've completed the endeavor. When all is said in done, there's an assortment of good clarifications for why you would prefer not remain up whenever you truly want to work or learning around evening time. The center of things you begin working, keep a ton of staying awakewhole late evening trying to. </p>
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Writing a Scholarship Single Family Essay Samples
<h1>Writing a Scholarship Single Family Essay Samples</h1><p>Writing grant single family exposition tests is an essential piece of composing. Grants are regularly granted to single parents and fathers and they have to realize how to compose an excellent one that will stand apart from the rest.</p><p></p><p>The first thing you should do is compose your article the manner in which you might want it to be composed. Expound on what your day resembles, what your arrangements are for the future, what you are doing and why you need to attend a university. At that point compose a section or two summing up what you have simply said.</p><p></p><p>You can decide to compose a sentence or two about each award or school award openings you have gotten or whether you have applied for any grants or awards. For instance, in the event that you have gotten a grant award you could give a smidgen about this grant in the exposition. There ar e a wide range of sorts of grant and awards accessible. You can likewise incorporate which award or grant you need to apply for or are as of now in school for.</p><p></p><p>After composing your paper you have to consider the individual that you are composing for and how she or he may respond to the things you have composed. One approach to deliver this is to remember a little amusingness for your article and afterward ask how she or he would feel on the off chance that the person in question was understanding it. This will make them increasingly keen on find out about you and what you need to say.</p><p></p><p>It's critical to consider when composing that what kind of individual is taking a gander at your paper. In the event that it is an instructor or an advisor, it might be ideal to make reference to it in the rear of the exposition. It isn't required however is all the more fascinating for her or him to see that you are attempting t o be honest and doing whatever it takes not to decorate realities. Something else to remember is that a few guardians will need their kid to be at the center of attention and will have a motivation to guarantee that your youngster wins this grant or awards that you are composing for.</p><p></p><p>So far we have taken a gander at a portion of the principle themes that you have to remember for your exposition tests. There are numerous others. At the point when you are composing your exposition, ensure you spread your insight and aptitudes so she or he knows where you are coming from. This will be useful as you won't appear to be a mouthpiece for another person and will seem to be real and a genuine person.</p><p></p><p>When you are composing your own grant single family article tests make sure to keep it straightforward. Keep it straight forward, genuine and honest.</p>
Horrifying Hammerhead Worm Facts
The hammerhead worm (Bipalium sp.) is a terrifying, toxic terrestrial flatworm. This large planarian lives on land and is both a predator and a cannibal. While the distinctive-looking worms dont pose a direct threat to human beings, theyre an invasive species that packs the power to eradicate earthworms. Fast Facts: Hammerhead Worm Scientific Name: Bipalium sp.Other Names: Broadhead planarian, landchovyDistinguishing Features: Large terrestrial planarian with a spade-shaped head and ventral foot or creeping soleSize Range: From 5 cm (B. adventitium) to over 20 cm in length (B. kewense)Diet: Carnivorous, known to eat earthworms and each otherLifespan: Potentially immortalHabitat: Distributed worldwide, preferring humid, warm habitatsConservation Status: Not evaluatedKingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: PlatyhelminthesClass: RhabditophoraOrder: TricladidaFamily: GeoplanidaeFun Fact: The hammerhead worm is one of only a very few terrestrial invertebrates known to produce the neurotoxin tetrodotoxin. Description The most distinctive features of the hammerhead worm are its fan- or spade-shaped head and long, flattened body. The underside of the planarian has a large creeping sole used for locomotion. Species are differentiated by the shape of the head, size, coloration, and stripe pattern. The terrestrial planarians are earth-colored, found in shades of gray, brown, gold, and green. Small hammerhead worms include B. adventitium, which ranges from 5 to 8 cm (2.0 to 3.1 inches) in length. In contrast, adult B. kewense worms can exceed 20 cm in length. The hammerhead worm has a long, flattened body and a broad head. up close with nature / Getty Images Distribution and Habitat Hammerhead worms are native to tropical and subtropical regions but have become invasive worldwide. Its believed the planarians were accidentally transported and distributed on rooted horticultural plants. Because hammerhead worms require humidity, they are uncommon in desert and mountain biomes. Diet Bipalium worms are carnivores, known to prey on earthworms, slugs, insect larvae, and each other. The worms detect prey using chemoreceptors located under the head or ventral groove. A hammerhead worm tracks its prey, pushes it against a surface, and entangles it in slimy secretions. Once the prey is mostly immobilized, the worm extends is pharynx from its body and secretes digestive enzymes, then sucks liquefied tissue into its branched gut using cilia. When digestion is complete, the worms mouth also serves as its anus. Hammerhead worms store food in vacuoles in their digestive epithelium. A worm can survive several weeks on its reserves and will cannibalize its own tissues for food. Bipalium kewense capturing an earthworm. Researchers believe the planarian secretes a toxin to immobilize its prey.  Jean-Lou Justine​, Leigh Winsor, Delphine Gey, Pierre Gros, and Jessica Thà ©venot Toxicity While some types of worms are edible, the hammerhead worm is not among them. The planarian contains the potent neurotoxin, tetrodotoxin, which the worm uses to immobilize prey and deter predators The toxin is also found in pufferfish, the blue-ringed octopus, and rough-skinned newts, but was not known to occur in any species of terrestrial invertebrate prior to its discovery in the hammerhead worm. Behavior Hammerhead worms have been mistakenly called hammerhead slugs because they move in a slug-like fashion. They use cilia on their creeping sole to glide over a strip of mucus. The worms have also been observed lowering themselves down a string of mucus. Land planarians are photo-negative (light-sensitive) and need high humidity. Because of this, they usually move and feed at night. They prefer cool, damp places, typically residing under rocks, logs, or shrubs. Reproduction and Regeneration The worms are hermaphrodites, with each individual possessing both testes and ovaries. A hammerhead worm can exchange gametes with another worm via its secretions. Fertilized eggs develop inside the body and are shed as egg capsules. After about three weeks, the eggs hatch and the worms mature. In some species, juveniles have different coloration from adults. However, asexual reproduction is much more common than sexual reproduction. Hammerhead worms, like other planaria, are essentially immortal. Usually, a worm reproduces via fragmentation, leaving behind a tail tip stuck to a leaf or other substrate, which then develops into an adult. If the worm is cut into pieces, each section can regenerate into a fully-developed organism within a few weeks. Injured worms rapidly regenerate damaged tissue. Conservation Status None of the species of hammerhead worm have been evaluated for the IUCN Red List, but theres no evidence their numbers are threatened. Land planarians are widely distributed in their natural tropical and subtropical habitats and have extended their territorial reach worldwide. Once established in a greenhouse, the animals disperse into the surrounding region. In colder climates, the worms are able to survive freezing temperatures by seeking protected locations. Economic Importance At one time, researchers were concerned terrestrial planarians might damage plants. Over time, they were deemed harmless to greenery, but then a more insidious threat appeared. Hammerhead worms have the potential to exterminate earthworm populations. Earthworms are vital because they aerate and fertilize the soil. Hammerhead worms are considered a threatening invasive species. Some methods used to control slugs also work on flatworms, however, their longterm impact on ecosystems has yet to be fully determined. Sources Ducey, P. K.; Cerqua, J.; West, L. J.; Warner, M. (2006). Eberle, Mark E, ed. Rare Egg Capsule Production in the Invasive Terrestrial Planarian Bipalium Kewense. The Southwestern Naturalist. 51 (2): 252. doi:10.1894/0038-4909(2006)51[252:RECPIT]2.0.CO;2Ducey, P. K.; West, L. J.; Shaw, G.; De Lisle, J. (2005). Reproductive ecology and evolution in the invasive terrestrial planarian Bipalium adventitium across North America. Pedobiologia. 49 (4): 367. doi:10.1016/j.pedobi.2005.04.002Ducey, P. K.; Messere, M.; Lapoint, K.; Noce, S. (1999). Lumbricid Prey and Potential Herpetofaunal Predators of the Invading Terrestrial Flatworm Bipalium adventitium (Turbellaria: Tricladida: Terricola). The American Midland Naturalist. 141 (2): 305. doi:10.1674/0003-0031(1999)141[0305:LPAPHP]2.0.CO;2Ogren, R. E. (1995). Predation behaviour of land planarians. Hydrobiologia. 305: 105–111. doi:10.1007/BF00036370Stokes, A. N.; Ducey, P. K.; Neuman-Lee, L.; Hanifin, C. T.; French, S. S.; Pfrender, M. E.; Brodie, E. D.; Brodie Jr., E. D. (2014). Confirmation and Distribution of Tetrodotoxin for the First Time in Terrestrial Invertebrates: Two Terrestrial Flatworm Species (Bipalium adventitium and Bipalium kewense). PLoS ONE. 9 (6): e100718. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0100718Justine, Jean-Lou; Winsor, Leigh; Gey, Delphine; Gros, Pierre; Thà ©venot, Jessica (2018). Giant worms . chez moi! Hammerhead flatworms (Platyhelminthes, Geoplanidae, Bipalium spp., Diversibipalium spp.) in metropolitan France and overseas French territories
Essay Writing Times Chart
<h1>Essay Writing Times Chart</h1><p>A course of events for paper composing can be a brilliant guide for your understudies as it permits them to set explicit objectives and confinements for themselves. Perhaps the greatest slip-up that understudies make is defining composing objectives that are high to such an extent that they can't in any way, shape or form be met time permitting frame.</p><p></p><p>Unfortunately this outcomes in understudies that can't fulfill their time constraints since they are centered around the end date that they have given themselves. A portion of the understudies do what is known as a 'pull-out' which is a confirmation that they won't finish. They simply enjoy a reprieve from composing and expectation the task will complete eventually.</p><p></p><p>When you encourage your understudies' objective setting it tends to be anything but difficult to dismiss the way that they can't arrive at specifi c objectives except if you keep them moving. You need to get your understudies going by making them imagine that they can make a specific objective happen.</p><p></p><p>If you have understudies who set a cutoff time that they won't have the option to meet, you have to remind them to what extent they have left. It might be as meager as about fourteen days or up to two semesters. You may even simply do a basic spreadsheet where you record the dates for each class task that they have to complete.</p><p></p><p>Once you make them move, ensure they are making a move each and every day so they will be prepared when the opportunity arrives. By doing this, they will be prepared to acknowledge that they can't be the best author in the class. The point here is to give them that they have to push ahead each and every day to meet their goals.</p><p></p><p>That is actually what exposition composing is tied in with; pushing ah ead and complying with time constraints. We ought to hope to push ahead every day, except when we don't see quick outcomes then we ought to be proactive. Tell your understudies that they should push ahead consistently to meet their goals.</p><p></p><p>After you give them that they need to push forward each and every day, you likewise need to assist them with setting a breaking point. Ensure they are moving at a consistent pace that they can just go as quick as they can go, however never too quick that they get overpowered. At last, ensure that they are not moving excessively far ahead or excessively far behind in light of the fact that these two things will prompt pressure and overwhelm.</p><p></p><p>Remember, your understudies might be going at such a quick pace yet the things that they have to do day by day are moving more slow than expected. So consistently ensure that they have some an opportunity to make up for lost time with thes e things.</p>
Saturday, May 16, 2020
How to Pick the Strongest Research Paper Topics
If you are a college student, you will be required to spend a lot of time on the research paper writing. Thus, it is highly important to be aware of how to select the research paper topic you will enjoy working on. In order to make your project an A+, you have to make sure its topic is hooking, strong and enjoyable. Everything seems to be easy. Unfortunately, not THAT easy. What does it mean? You might choose a research paper topic you’re passionate about, and go on to produce a solid thesis for it. Then you spend the whole day at the local library and face with a couple of problems. And you find out that there is only a little research available on your issue. No matter how much you like your topic, your number one goal is to choose the one that you can provide solid evidence for. You may find that the research you have conducted does not back up your thesis. What a frustration! You have spent so much time researching and investigating only to find out it was all in vain. Do not stick to a particular idea if you see that almost all evidence refute it! In order to avoid these troubles, make sure to choose a couple of topics from the very beginning. Have 3-4 topics in store and perform a preliminary research on each of them. Preliminary Searches? Yes! Preliminary searches can be conducted in a flash. There is no need to spend days in the library – juts stay at home with your laptop. Pick the research paper topic and do a basic internet research. Copy all the sources types that go along every topic. Explore Several Databases! You will most likely want to make certain that all the magazine articles, books and journals that you find can be easily borrowed from the local library. As the first step, use you favorite web search engine and then proceed to the local library database. You may find it on the internet as well. In case you reveal that the topic you select is widely researched and presented in many journals, magazines and books, make sure those are the information sources you can find and use. For instance, you may find some books related to your topic, but all published in†¦French! Of course, this is amazing if you are fluent in this language. But what if you’re not? In short, every time you need to pick the right topic for the research paper, make sure to give your preference to the one that can be easily researched. You don’t want to waste your time, energy and knowledge to only find yourself at a dead end.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Sports Argumentative Essay Topics
Sports Argumentative Essay TopicsThe sports argumentative essay topic is a paper that focuses on the activities that take place in a particular sport. It can be a good starting point for those who are planning to write a very thorough sport themed paper. Many people have trouble coming up with a topic and for this reason, there are many essays on topics like this on the internet. Even if you want to tackle a more analytical essay, there are those that use it as an opportunity to focus on their personal tastes and values.Some of the most common sports argumentative essay topics involve being in the running for a sport of some sort. This is important because it is a way for the essay writer to show their argumentative skills, since if they are in the running, they are in competition with a lot of other people. Arguing about sports can be seen as a bit insulting when the person with the higher standing gets to win.The next sports argumentative essay topic can relate to teams in a sport. Usually, these kinds of topics take place during the season, or during the events the team participates in. At times, the teams will be out on the field during a game and the fans will see the players practicing and doing drills with one another. The writer can actually create a level of intimacy between the players, which can be quite enjoyable.Another popular sport argumentative essay topic includes the long distance runners and the distance that they run. These individuals are often known for their incredible endurance and some of them have beaten world records in the marathon. The arguments created here can be very interesting because many of them focus on how great the athletes are, while others praise the amount of hard work they put into becoming the best.Last, but not least, the sport's argumentative essay can go a bit further. Many people will discuss and compare the best players in a certain sport. Many people have gotten really emotional when talking about how great the players are and how they are making a real difference in the game. This can really inspire the person to give their very best in every event that they participate in.So, what do you do when you start your sport's argumentative essay? You don't necessarily need to use the usual sports themes and topics. What is going to help you will be the experiences and thoughts that you bring to the table. You want to get outside of yourself and look at things from an objective point of view.If you feel as though you are struggling with coming up with a topic, ask your professors if they would be willing to help you write your sports argumentative essay. With the right professor on your side, you should have no problem coming up with something. Sometimes it might be easier for them to give you help because they understand why you are writing the paper in the first place.No matter what topic you decide to choose, it is important that you have a passion for the sport. It is also good to have an ide a of what kind of abilities you can bring to the table as well. Remember that if you want to include the essay in a college writing class, it is probably best if you try to give them something they can relate to and can hopefully understand. Once you know what type of sports argumentative essay topics you are going to include, you can then prepare.
A Startling Fact about Generic College Essay Format Uncovered
<h1>A Startling Fact about Generic College Essay Format Uncovered </h1> <p>Sometimes schools offer you clear headings while some license you to investigate to some degree more with a conventional or fundamental inquiry. Schools are not looking for flawless people. The style of a nonexclusive school paper additionally must be steady, at the end of the day, keeping precisely the same register formal from the beginning as far as possible. </p> <h2> The Chronicles of Generic College Essay Format</h2> <p>To achieve this, conceptualize on themes which you are enthusiastic about. Hence, as a rule, the variety of nonexclusive article subjects is for all intents and purposes boundless. </p> <p>Colleges can tell at whatever point your article is just a structure paper. Presently you have to show that you see how to appropriately compose short papers. Along these lines, papers have come to be an indivisible part of scholastics. To find out about articles, it's critical to acknowledge why papers are such a significant part of scholastics. </p> <p>The rules for composing an eminent exposition are the same. A powerful article's point is to persuade your perusers your perspective is the best one. Get your inventive energies pumping by conceptualizing all the potential thoughts you can envision to deal with your article question. The specialized language is basically allowed in the occasion the paper will be perused by specialists in the subject. </p> <p>Our journalists will structure a complimentary spread page when you put in a request with us, which is just one of the thoroughly free additional items which are incorporated. Surely, it's extremely disheartening not to locate the most extreme evaluation just for utilizing the inaccurate text style or dispersing in your article spread page. The two models deal with the specific subject (wiped out parent) yet use different methodologies. An exposition format is a manual which verifies that your methodology is right and you don't bring down the principle plan. </p> <h2> The Fight Against Generic College Essay Format</h2> <p>Hence, it's extremely essential that you take a gander at the simple school article arranging rules, which are given beneath. On the other side, it shouldn't be expansive to such an extent that a few assets would exceed the information you could crush into one paper. Between both key school paper arranges in america, it could be considered to some degree more straightforward since it doesn't request a cover sheet or conceptual. Try not to be a robot and permit it to be dull, fundamentally the same as a large number of various expositions the school will get. </p> <h2> The Number One Question You Must Ask for Generic College Essay Format </h2> <p>Fine, yet you should be prepared to compose whatever you genuinely want to compose from a school that probably won't be your first other option. APA style, on the other side, is as often as possible utilized by understudies in sci ence, both delicate and troublesome science, so it's likewise one of the most much of the time utilized school exposition designs for understudies in the usa. </p> <p>You're not being mentioned to clarify how school will permit you to develop, however how Oberlin can enable you to develop. Understudies realize the best approach to be innovative. In this manner, the understudies should cause certain they're in the district to be certain that they to give exhortation on the subject of the exact same. Hence, numerous understudies and representatives choose to get reasonable article instead of composing it themselves. </p> <p>Among the more distressing components of your school application might be the application exposition. The Common Application's individual paper empowers an understudy to create a solitary article for various universities. In this way, the past part should be committed to the vital postulation as well. A few understudies use the exposition some portion of their application to investigate any vacillations in scholarly execution or different components that have affected their evaluations. </p> <p>Th e cost of a paper relies on the aggregate sum of exertion the essayist needs to apply. Getting ready to make an exposition is a pivotal piece of any instructive framework, yet basically posting thoughts in a direct manner may not generally be adequate. You should make the peruser need to peruse whatever it's you've composed. Remember to start your exposition strongit ought to have the option to start the interests of your perusers. </p> <p>Therefore, concentrating in the college is no doubt among the most inconvenient measures of time in our life. The subject of the sentence consistently must be communicated. For instance in the occasion the paper is about the impacts of world war II on people born after WW2, he then'll need to go out of sight of WWII. Application expositions about difficulties uncover how you react to trouble to people who are somewhat intrigued by how you are going to manage the ensuing four years by yourself.</p> <p>The expanding number of paper composing administrations is completely overpowering. You don't have to have the absolute best composing abilities to be inventive and form a viable exposition. Regardless of how you are going to end up presenting your paper, you should draft it into a word processor. There's a run of the mill school article composing position that you have to follow. </p>
The Chronicles of Writing a Term Paper
<h1> The Chronicles of Writing a Term Paper </h1> <p>The most successive methods for discovering where to find an example proposal is by straightforward getting on the web and riding on the web through endless website pages by use of web indexes. There are scores and scores of test proposition papers offered online by a colossal number of individuals quick to assist individuals like you who need to help composing the results of their examination. The structure ought to be sorted out and very much looked into. </p> <p>The quality composing administrations are given unconditional promise. You get a remarkable arrangement of profitable data while looking into. There are a sizable number of gifted theory composing help administrations accessible on the web and they've profoundly qualified scholastic journalists and can offer written falsification free substance. Subsequently, on the off chance that you need help with composing a proposal for the absolute first time, you should consider utilizing help from online proposition giving companies.</p> <p>Writing aptitudes empower you to sort out your reasoning. Composing a novel is a colossal arrangement of work. It is a genuine work of art. Composing great papers is something which can accompany understanding and you have to verify that you're discovering some new information about composing constantly which may make you be a superior author in the procedure.</p> <p>Thesis composing is something which you will most likely need to overcome all through your total school understanding. First off, a theory paper allows the understudy being referred to deliver her or his own speculations, thoughts, and hypotheses. Particularly for the individuals who have a postulation that you should guard, it will be significantly harder in the event that you really don't trust in your proposal. Basically a proposal is a basic paper you should finish to get your Masters Degree. </p> <h2> Getting the Best Writing a Term Paper </h2> <p>When picking a paper for an undertaking, it is important to create your choice shrewdly. When a paper is finished a normalized survey system can deliver the contrast between a run of the mill article and a great exposition. Picking the most reasonable predominant paper for your venture can be a very muddled activity. </p> <p>In a venue research project, it's not fundamental to utilize reference for general subtleties. As you can get a theory written in two or three days by specialists, you can even find out about what all they remember for it. You may find that occasionally your college offers you the research project title. </p> <p>So it is savvy to quit pondering and begin attempting to compose research projects. You should see how to structure a research paper on the off chance that you want to be a top understudy. When you have the hang of composing a proposition paper, you will be an ace in no second. An auditorium research project must be written in an official style, in the absolute first individual A short and captivating title should be put on top, empowers to convey the whole importance of the articulation paper issue. </p> <h2>Writing a Term Paper Options </h2> <p>The absolute first passage of an exposition will have the presentation which will incorporate a proposal proclamation of a solitary line. Composing a synopsis isn't a simple activity. At our exposition help, articles are constantly conveyed in a concise second. A rundown exposition isn't anything but difficult to compose particularly in light of the fact that it's very simple to misjudge the significant artic le and compose an outline that doesn't clarify it in any regard. </p> <p>No matter whichever one which you decide to utilize, you must be predictable all through your exposition. You ought to pick a subject. 1 thing to consider in selecting a subject is to never pick one which is excessively normal or excessively confounded. </p>
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Fundamentals of Essay Writing
<h1>Fundamentals of Essay Writing</h1><p>Essay composing can be a troublesome assignment. It requires a great deal of research and investigation of the topic that will be composed. Before you really start your exposition composing venture, there are a couple of basics of paper composing that you have to learn and know of.</p><p></p><p>The first thing you have to do is regardless research. Perusing a decent quality book on the subject is an unquestionable requirement. After you have perused the book, survey what you found out about the point and ensure you completely get it. At that point the time has come to compose. Start composing your exposition on the subject and ensure it is as per what you learned.</p><p></p><p>You can find out about composing a paper at any school or college. They will have a class that manages composing papers. This is a superb spot to get information on basics of exposition composing. It is li kewise an incredible method to begin learning the specialty of composing a paper. After you are done with this class, you can proceed onward to a further developed class that will show you how to compose an article on your own.</p><p></p><p>The next things that you ought to find out about are the rudiments of paper composing. It very well may be a troublesome errand to compose a paper, however it tends to be extremely simple in the event that you know the fundamentals. Probably the most essential things of exposition composing are accentuation, language, spelling, and association. These things will help you in building a solid paper.</p><p></p><p>The next thing you ought to find out about are the fundamentals of composing a book. Books are regularly alluded to as 'soft cover books' since they are in reality a lot shorter than a standard paper. The structure of a book is additionally altogether different from that of a customary paper. Finding out about these distinctions will help you in the future.</p><p></p><p>The next thing you ought to find out about are the nuts and bolts of exposition composing. There are a couple of things that you should know before you start your article composing venture. One of the most significant basics of exposition composing is that you should inquire about the subject that you are composing about.</p><p></p><p>Research is significant in light of the fact that it permits you to discover the data that you have to compose a paper. Research permits you to realize what you have to know and will even assistance you to choose which data is significant. Exposition composing includes a ton of research.</p><p></p><p>Finally, comprehend that you will have the option to change and alter your paper as you come. Numerous individuals feel that they will be left with their article the whole time. Actually you can change your article and improve it. Study the basics of exposition writing.</p>
Life, Death, and Chronological Essay Topics
<h1> Life, Death, and Chronological Essay Topics </h1> <p>At the perfect time of picking a subject for your enlightening paper, you should keep on keeping a couple of noteworthy things in your contemplations. Portray the most wonderful spot which you've visited. Maybe the primary concern which you should not overlook is that you're required to make an article rather out of essentially to portray something. In case you're searching for tips about how to form a spellbinding article, you've gone to the correct location.</p> <p>It is conceivable to likewise peruse your exposition to others to get their input. At the point when you're differing between a few focuses, it's extraordinary to discover what other people think about the issue. In some cases there's no development in the smallest. A splendid technologyDescribe an innovation that has dazzled you a decent arrangement. </p> <p>The cost of an exposition rides on the aggregate sum of exertion the author needs to apply. An illustrative exposition design shouldn't be an issue since it's nothing from the conventional and numerous journalists have experienced it. The key to composing an extraordinary effectiveA paper is to get the energy to compose it. For example, an exposition on the absolute first point can recount to your private story. be that as it may, it might likewise be founded on your creative mind. </p> <p>There is quite often an immense likelihood a secondary teacher will decide to introduce their understudies a graphic exposition as a task. Our capable scholars see how to choose the best themes and tweak to satisfy your educator's requests. The point likewise should be the one which gives the understudies adequate to compose on. The fundamental motivation behind why a great deal of understudies decide to handle elucidating exposition points is on the grounds that they are easy to adapt to. </p> <p>Do an examination to find progressively about which changes are reasonable for spellbinding papers. On the off chance that you might want progressively spellbinding exposition models like the one included the last area, there are loads of simple strategies to procure excellent examples of scholarly papers. In an Applied Chemistry article, understudies may utilize any previous information as a key source however, it should be broke down actually and should be assessed. A few understudies accept that they can compose extraordinary clear articles paying little heed to what their subjects are. </p> <h2> Life, Death and Chronological Essay Topics</h2> <p>By seeing incredible example expressive sections, you will be able to gain an idea of what an unrivaled article takes after. When you pick the point which suits you most, remember the explanation you compose your paper, focus on the primary subtleties to tell about in your content and don't disregard the criticalness of faculties and sentiments in your article. In reality, you can portray a subject of any size and nature, yet it's nearly unrealistic to set up a phenomenal engaging article should you not so much like it. In truth, it is a portrayal with increasingly distinctive points of interest. </p> <h2> Gossip, Lies and Chronological Essay Topics </h2> <p>The essential objective of depiction exposition is to portray something, be it an individual, a situation or just something that you need to outline for individuals. Having many themes as a main priority will be of help since you'll at last settle on the ones that you own a ton to expound on. Enjoy the technique for depicting the subjectit might be remunerating experience. Regardless of whether you require enlightening composing instances of an individual, spot, or feeling you will require an incredible guide to follow. </p> <h2>The Tried and True Method for Chronological Essay Topics in Step by Step Detail </h2> <p>Ask yourself which you want to feature. You'll get your paper promptly and, on the grounds that your fulfillment is ensured, you won't have to stress! In the event that you wish to make an engaging exposition about your very own understanding, it might be irregular and explicit. </p> <h2>The Dirty Truth on Chronological Essay Topics </h2> <p>If you're feeling that you will require somebody to create my article as of now, you can just depend on our legit surveys. The survey is going to show you whatever you should comprehend and afterward you're ready to put your buy certainly. Spots are awesome thoughts as points, they check with a lot of data which might be depicted. </p> <h2> Choosing Chronological Essay Topics</h2> <p>The stories composed by the best American and British writers go about as the incredible story article models moreover. Truth be told, there are numerous distinct paper themes out there that it's very difficult to pick just one. & lt;/p> <p>Don't overlook your point reflexes the chief explanation you decided to make your exposition. Spellbinding exposition points may be either simpler or harder. Choosing the precise illustrative article subjects is the most fundamental segment of exposition composing. </p> <h2> Chronological Essay Topics Fundamentals Explained </h2> <p>Don't alarm on the off chance that you can't get your unmistakable paper right. Engaging paper consistently incorporates exploratory writing, in any event, when subject seems, by all accounts, to be dull and exhausting from the outset. Like each task, a graphic article has a specific capacity. An incredible spellbinding exposition comes out of a learned and creative psyche. </p> <p>When you may peruse an expressive paper test, you can gain from the absolute best. However, there are explicit examples that you will follow when you form an engaging article. Portrayal articles ought to have a point and an objective . In any case, remember that a graphic exposition is moreover a scholastic paper, along these lines it should serve an objective. </p> <p>One specific basic plan to hold up under as a primary concern is that the absolute best theme for an unrivaled graphic article is one which you get a profound association with. The article won't focus on the body sections. Without a doubt the most significant thing here is to pick among the best enlightening article themes, as neglecting to choose a compose subject will keep you from turning in a tremendous essay.</p> <h2> The Importance of Chronological Essay Topics </h2> <p>The least demanding technique is to pick one of the family. Inside my experience, enlightening articles are just troublesome with respect to choosing exactly what things to expound on. Not just it's alright to blend certain points like occasions and recollections, however in reality, it's exceptionally valued. </p>
Friday, May 8, 2020
Research Paper Topics For The Dissertation
Research Paper Topics For The DissertationSelecting International Relations Research Paper Topics for a dissertation can be an easy task if you plan to write a systematic approach to the topic. Prior to you to decide on the topic you will need to gather information on the topic which you will use as the basis for the dissertation.Different areas of study include the following, Political Science, International Relations, Economics, Sociology, Political Science and History. As you can see it is a very broad topic and there is also so many possible Research Paper Topics for the dissertation.As previously mentioned, you have a number of different formats to choose from when you are writing your dissertation. Do not get lost in the possibility that the dissertation paper topics are too numerous. The reason for this is you may find a dissertation too restrictive and not be able to really explore all the different options that are available.If you are familiar with your subject matter then you may want to begin by exploring the many International Relations Research Paper Topics that is available. Decide on the types of research topics that will best meet your needs.Once you have decided on your topic, you will need to create your thesis statement. Make sure that it is concise and contains your primary argument as well as supporting evidence. In the same regard you will also need to choose between using either pre-formatted data sheets or a more self-documenting approach.You should remember that the research paper topics that you choose to write your dissertation may be very different from those used in other degree programs. For example, in sociology there are multiple topics that students choose to investigate. Thus, you should not assume that all research paper topics are identical to other degree programs.As well, the dissertation that you will submit will be reviewed before the PhD is conferred. Therefore, you need to be sure that your research paper topics are st rong enough to be reviewed by a committee prior to submission. Additionally, if you have chosen to use a dissertation editing service you may want to make sure that they are experienced in researching International Relations papers.By taking the time to do a little research on the International Relations Research Paper Topics available to you, you will be better prepared to select a topic that you will be interested in. After all, that is what the dissertation is all about - to write a systematic approach to the topic!
Writing an Argumentative Essay
Writing an Argumentative EssayGood argumentative essay samples are necessary in order to improve your writing skills. You can easily find these online or in your school's library. There are some basic rules to follow when looking for good arguments.The first thing you need to do is determine what a good argumentative essay is. It has to be a well-structured and logical essay that is well written, organized, and in the form of a question. These tips will help you achieve this goal. Don't rely on samples that are only samples; look for actual examples that you can use as a basis.The very first thing you want to do is to ask yourself what the question is. For example, if you are writing an essay about the fallacy of proving the existence of Santa Claus, you should ask yourself what the problem is, and how can the problem be solved. Next, think about how you will answer the question. This is your essay, and you have the choice to show your topic from different perspectives. Remember that no matter what you write, you always want to provide something new to your reader.The first thing you want to do is to gather your material from all the people's opinions you have encountered throughout your life. Start with a bit of information from each person. Determine the person's point of view, and if possible, ask them to show their perspective. This will help you better understand their view, and therefore a better chance to provide a more interesting topic to write.Next, you want to think about the most unique aspects of your topic. Be sure that your essay does not contain things that are common to many topics. You should always remember that your readers are willing to read your essay regardless of the topic, so make it unique in order to give them more reasons to read it.Be sure that you do not spend too much time on the research. If you really feel like you need to spend too much time on it, then try to find a sample instead. Also, you may even be able to ask someone el se, who has already completed it, to critique it. This will help you ensure that your conclusion is correct.Finally, it is the easiest and the most difficult thing in writing. You need to be able to express yourself clearly, and you need to be able to see the message you want to say clearly and simply. It is easy to start writing an essay; however, it is hard to end it.In order to ensure you have a good argumentative essay, be sure to take all of these tips into consideration. Look for examples that will showcase your topic, and try to come up with different ways to express your ideas. If you want a great essay, then keep these guidelines in mind, and you should be fine.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Similarities Between Odysseus And Macbeth - 1357 Words
Even though they are both heroes there are many differences between Homer’s Odysseus and Shakespeares Macbeth. Theses differences come from the fact that Odysseus is an epic hero, while Macbeth is a tragic hero. Common traits of a tragic hero are the hero is of noble birth the hero possesses a tragic flaw that eventually leads to his downfall. The flaw offer has to do with excessive pride also known as hubris. On the other hand, epic heroes are larger than life and embody the values of particular society, an epic hero is superhuman. He is braver, stronger, smarter and cleverer than an ordinary man. Many times they are on a quest for something of great value to him or to his people. The tragic and the epic hero can both teach the reader†¦show more content†¦This bloody ghost of Banquo rises out of Macbeth’s conscience to avenge its death and leave Macbeth uneasy. This is viewed by the outbursts of Macbeth at his feast shouting at the ghost to never shake thy gor y locks at him. All these views of Macbeth’s guilty conscience show that indeed his downfall was his the fault of no one but himself. From this fatal flaw of Macbeth’s there is much to be learned. Even though Macbeth had a troubled conscience, his biggest flaw was not listening to it the first time he felt as though he did something wrong. Readers can then see how not listening to you conscience when it is clearly trying to tell you something can lead to very serious consequences. Macbeth is an extreme example, but if you continue to ignore certain things you know are wrong you will most likely head down a path of destruction and danger. This was only one of the lessons to be learned from Macbeth’s flaws. Another flaw of Macbeth’s readers can learn from was his internal conflict and jealousy of anyone who could possibly come in between him and crown. Macbeth was often threatened by other people who could possibly take the crown from him. The first time th e reader can see this jealousy arise was when Macduff said, â€Å"Our eldest, Malcolm, whom we name hereafter, Prince of Cumberland;†(1.4.38-39). Macbeth’s first reaction was to fear the whole family line of Macduff. This intimidation lead to one of Macbeth’s most careless destructive decision when heShow MoreRelatedHomers Odyssey and O Brother, Where Art Thou?1057 Words  | 5 Pagescommon. The Odyssey stars Odysseus, a man famous for his heroics in the Trojan War. O Brother, Where Art Thou? shows a bit of a contrast by starring Ulysses, a former convict who escaped and began looking for â€Å"A Treasure†. So by default, one would assume that that these two stories would be completely different. However, it ends up being quite the opposite. The two stories are so remarkably alike that it is almost staggering. However, it may not just be simple similarities that make the two so alikeRead More A Comparison of Oedipus and Odysseus Essay1901 Words  |  8 PagesSimilarities Between Oedipus and Odyssues       Since the beginning of time epic tales have been passed on from generation to generation as a form of entertainment. Even though each epic is different in its plot, every epic has certain features in common. The prime example of their similarities is their main character, the hero of the epic.  The heros behavior changes from the beginning to the end of the tale. Since the plot revolves around the epic hero, in most cases, they are made
Rape A Crime - 1196 Words
The definition of rape is: The unlawful compelling of a person through physical force or duress to have sexual intercourse. Basically, rape is a forceful act in trying any way possible to make someone have sex with them. This crime is still being committed to this day and is not viewed as big of an issue as it truly is. In order to prove rape is a disgusting and unnecessary crime, the following essay will consist of the history, laws, the costs involved, health effects, and the opposing side’s beliefs. The first step ever taken to prevent rape and reveal it as an issue was in the 1970’s. â€Å"During the 1970’s, the first rape crisis center was established†(Kilpatrick 1), stated by Dean Kilpatrick in the article â€Å"Rape and Sexual Assault.††¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Sexual violence survivors experience reduced income in adulthood†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Poore 1). Nothing could sum it up better. Law enforcement is an obvious factor to this situ ation so they are included towards the costs of rape. 127 billion dollars a year is paid to law enforcement just in concern with rape. These numbers would be even more drastic if every single rape was reported. Only 41% of rapes are reported each year. Lumps of cash are given to such a pointless act of a man and ruin a woman’s life. No woman’s life is the same after rape and this includes the health effects that are intertwined within the situation. Mental, physical, and emotional health is essential to every human-being’s wellness. The moment a woman is put through sexual harassment it corrupts that wellness to every extent. The mental difficulties a woman will struggle with are depression and anxiety. Numerous thoughts will be haunting her and constantly making her anxious which will force her to always prepare herself and watch her every move in case an incident like she experienced were to happen again. Physical issues present include eating disorders, subst ance abuse, and most commonly, suicide. It’s statistically proven that a woman who is raped is 4.1 times more likely to commit suicide than someone who wasn’t. Emotional effects are also a huge problem. It creates a lot of fear to be built up and forms Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). All kinds of complications tie up once aShow MoreRelatedRape And The Crime Of Rape1910 Words  | 8 Pagesdragging back in into the brush and brutally rapes her. Do we blame her for being a victim because, she was dressed inappropriately for a walking around the block or was she an innocent victim of brutal crime committed by someone looking for opportunity? Rape is a crime that some in society like to place partial or sometimes all the blame on the victim if she is not modestly dressed. There was a time when a woman was raped it was not considered a crime because, she must have brought it upon herselfRead MoreThe Violent Crimes Of Rape Crimes Essay1869 Words  | 8 PagesIntr oduction Violent crime may be defined as any crime wherein one person intentionally inflicts physical injury upon the body of another person. Some crimes categorized as violent crimes are as follows: assault/battery, robbery, sexual assault, and various other crimes of befitting characteristics (Rivera, 2016). A surprisingly growing issue is rape crimes specifically targeting young female students on university grounds. The violent crimes reported percentage rate had risen yearly for institutionsRead MoreRape, And Gender Crimes2220 Words  | 9 Pagesmitigating â€Å"Rape†and gender crimes in India Introduction The chief contention of this project is that rape as a sexual and gender crime against women is a manifestation of the forces and sociological structures that are much less obvious than any literature on criminal jurisprudence on the subject of ‘rape’ and sexual crimes will suggest. Hence this necessitates a deep study and literature review of all dimensions that explain the institutional structures and forces that explain ‘rape’ in the IndianRead MoreIs Rape A Crime Committed?1136 Words  | 5 PagesCrime, like many other topics, has common misconceptions. These misconceptions are proliferated by the biased media and other sources and is then passed down generations. People live their entire lives believing that a biased statement is a fact. They, in turn, teach those under them the same lies. The two misconceptions that will be discussed in this paper are about the common belief that rape is a crime committed by strangers and that â€Å"black on blackà ¢â‚¬ crime is a valid social construct. It willRead MoreRape Case Of A Crime Assault And Suspicion Of Rape887 Words  | 4 Pages Rape Case Study In the case of a crime assault and suspicion of rape of a 14 year-old girl; Jones, Walsh and Bert were arrested. During the investigation, the police obtain statement from a man name Bland providing additional information that suspect Jones was involved in three separate assaults and rapes of juveniles over three days. The prosecution filed charges against Jones, Walsh and Bert for their involvement in the crime. The suspect, Bert then hired an attorney to defend him and explainsRead MoreThe Seriousness Of Rape And The Crime Itself1694 Words  | 7 PagesSeriousness of Rape Keiser University Victimology Adriana Braxton 2/21/2017 In this paper I will be able to tell you about rape and the crime itself. I will explain who the victims of this crime are, how prevalent is this crime, what are the causes of this crime, in what ways do victims contribute to the crime, methods of prevention, resources available to assist victims of this crime, and my option of any needed changes in resources, laws, and sentencing related to this crime. â€Æ' There areRead MoreIs Rape A Victim Of A Sexual Crime? Essay1253 Words  | 6 PagesTopic: Identifying how a perpetrator can utilize date rape drugs to make their victim more vulnerable and an easy target for rape. Purpose: To teach the audience why it is important to prosecute these type of cases. I. Introduction A. Rape is defined as, â€Å"the penetration no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.†(Editorial Board, 2016, P.21) B. It is important to know whatRead MoreRape As An Element Of The Crime Of Genocide Essay1887 Words  | 8 Pages the term rape is sometimes used interchangeably with the term sexual assault. The rate of reporting, prosecuting and convicting for rape varies between jurisdictions. Internationally, the incidence of rapes recorded by the police during 2008 ranged, per 100,000 people, from 0.2 in Azerbaijan to 92 .9 in Botswana with 6.3 in Lithuania as the median. (Nations, U. (n.d.). Rape at the National Level, number of police recorded offenses. United Nations. Retrieved November 13, 2016.) Rape by strangersRead MoreState Crime, Rape, And Victimization2011 Words  | 9 PagesIntroduction In relation to corporate crime, the study of state crime is relatively limited. I believe this is because the lack of international bodies to set the over-arching guidance of what crime is and when it has taken place. In this paper, I will talk about state crimes such as trafficking, genocide, rape, discrimination and victimization. I will also use the authors definition of state crime which defines state crime victims as ‘‘those individuals or groups of individuals who have experiencedRead MoreCrime Report - Rape Law Reform2938 Words  | 12 PagesCrime Report - Rape Law Reform Describe the issue and the history of that issue Issue: â€Å"Rape†also referred to a sexual assault, under New South Wales Crimes Act 1900 is defined as ‘a person who inflicts grievous bodily harm on another person with intent to engage in sexual intercourse with that other person, or with a third person who is present or nearby, is guilty of an offence punishable, on conviction, by imprisonment for 17 years’. Aggravated sexual assault: In New South Wales Crimes
Analysis of Cryptographic Algorithms †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Analysis of Cryptographic Algorithms. Answer: Introduction: In this article, Ab Rahman and Choo (2015) discussed the information security incident handling strategies in order to mitigate the risks regarding availability, confidentiality as well as integrity of the organizational assets. The aim of this article is to contribute to knowledge gaps to handle of incidents within cloud environment. The standards and guidelines are used to review existing academic incident handling model. Four phases are discussed to handle the information security incidents handling such as preparation phase, in which the organizations are minimizing impacts of security incidents. Detection and analysis phase detects the unusual events and reports. After the incidents are detected, an efficient response is undertaken. Proactive degree is so little that immediate activities are taken position. Suppression as well as recovery is the required actions to be taken as incident responses. Post incident is a phase that contributes to final phase after the incidents are re solving. The information and internet users are facing one and more security breaches. The breaches are unauthorized access to the information of customers such as stealing of personal details and financial records of online login details. Using the triple R framework, the selected article is reviewed based on its relevance, reliability and reputable. The main limitation of this article is that a collaborative cloud incident management platform is not discussed to share information among various stakeholders, make easy real-time incident handling as well as replies to the malicious cyber actions within synchronized time. In this article, Jing et al., (2014) analyzed that internet of things (IoT) plays a key significant role and its security is important. IoT is to be building on basis of internet, and therefore the security problems are also show up into IoT. This particular article provides relevant information on security harms of each layer and tries to locate out innovative problems as well as results. It was found that at last this paper investigates the security issues among IoT as well as traditional network, and discussed of opening security issues among IoT. Standardization of the awareness of data processing for potential IoT is greatly preferred. Hackers, malicious software and also viruses into communiqu channel can disturb the data and information truthfulness. Expansion of IoT technology can directly threat the overall IoT system. Protection over data and security is one of the key applications challenges for the IoT. Three of the IoT layers are analyzed with its key security problems o f each layer. The future direction of this paper is to revise lightweight solutions for IoT system such as access confirmation and direct. The limitation is lot of discussion is not there on network control technologies. In this particular article, Alavi, Islam and Mouratidis (2014) discussed on the conceptual framework of securing information assets which is challenging for the organization to use of information system for supporting business processes. The paper reviews on information security management system (ISMS) to set up security structure as well as regulate of proper way to secure information system. It is relevant to get knowledge on solid security framework ensures for confidentiality, accessibility, legitimacy as well as adaptability of significant information assets. This paper analyzes the importance to understand main human factors within efficiency of ISMS. Goal modeling structure is discussed to provide an understanding of forces that are used to promote of security postures. The future work is based on evaluation of proposed framework to make sure that goal modeling framework is generalized into organizational context into real world. The support is favorable for better considerat e of the human factors into procedure of ISMS that leads to underlying principle change into organizational contexts. It provides of rational metrics for the security. The information security systems are rule bound as well as exclusive. It provides of a comprehensive environment that are more efficient. In this article, AlHogail (2015) discussed an establishment of information security culture (ISC) within the organization that influences employees perceptions as well as security behavior that can protector against the security threats. This particular paper also concerns on developing an inclusive information security cultural framework for the business. STOPE (Strategy, technology, organization, people and environment) is used as a framework where different information security issues are being integrated. ISC framework consists of change management principles to grow the culture of information security. It assists to develop of an effective informational security culture which protects against the information assets. With use of STOPE scope, the issues are covered and mitigated. The limitation of this article is that framework dimensions are not properly discussed which help to achieve objectives and reduce economic cost due to security threats. In the future, the research is exp anded to look on more frameworks using case study analysis in order to produce an evidence of theoretical framework. An assessment tool is used to measure information security cultural levels. The article is relevant as it designs of information security culture framework for the security issues due to use of internet. The information provided into the paper is reputable for validating the security framework. In this article, Ahmad, Maynard and Park (2014) discussed on prevention of security attacks with use of technical countermeasures. Qualitative study is discussed to implement of security strategies in order to protect information system. Prevention is aimed to protect of informational assets proceeding to protect of attacks by prohibition of unauthorized access. The identified countermeasures are deployed to outlook block of the attacks into the organization. The main focus of this context is to examine extent to different security strategies that are deployed, optimized as well as collective in reaction to the security environment. The strategies are identified based on time and space. The strategies address insider as well as outsider threats to prevent the technical security risks. The limitation of this study is that it conducted into Korean organizations. There are issues of generalizability into the organization. This study is relevant and reputable as it develops a security ar chitecture which enables the organization to address the technological challenges into security situation. The final project phase is analyzing in-depth study on Korean organizations case studies to examine relationship that the organization gains from various strategies. The challenge for the researcher is to select the strategies as it impacts the information environment. References Ab Rahman, N. H., Choo, K. K. R. (2015). A survey of information security incident handling in the cloud.Computers Security,49, 45-69. Ahmad, A., Maynard, S. B., Park, S. (2014). Information security strategies: towards an organizational multi-strategy perspective.Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing,25(2), 357-370. Alavi, R., Islam, S., Mouratidis, H. (2014, June). A conceptual framework to analyze human factors of information security management system (ISMS) in organizations. InInternational Conference on Human Aspects of Information Security, Privacy, and Trust(pp. 297-305). Springer, Cham. AlHogail, A. (2015). Design and validation of information security culture framework.Computers in human behavior,49, 567-575. Jing, Q., Vasilakos, A. V., Wan, J., Lu, J., Qiu, D. (2014). Security of the internet of things: Perspectives and challenges.Wireless Networks,20(8), 2481-2501. Acharya, K., Sajwan, M., Bhargava, S. (2014). Analysis of Cryptographic Algorithms for Network Security.International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research,3(2), 130-135. Er, M. K., Er, J. K. (2017). Data Encryption Using Different Techniques: A Review.International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science,8(4). Peltier, T. R. (2016).Information Security Policies, Procedures, and Standards: guidelines for effective information security management. CRC Press. Rao, J. D. P., Rai, M. S., Narain, B. (2017). A study of Network Attacks and Features of Secure Protocols.Research Journal of Engineering and Technology,8(1), 04-08. Stallings, W., Tahiliani, M. P. (2014).Cryptography and network security: principles and practice(Vol. 6). London: Pearson.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Cyber Security and the Internet of Things-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about the Challenges in Cyber Security for Business. Answer: Introduction Online threats are increasing in the business environment which has increased the risks to the safety and security of the confidentiality of the business. It is vital to ensure the safety of the confidential data of the business and customers. There has been a rise in the use of cyber security for ensuring security and safety of the business from hacking and other online threats (Nojeim, 2010). Technological developments have given rise to the concept of cyber security for protecting the confidential data of the business from unauthorized use by others for their personal benefit. Online threats are creating harm to the business and to the customers at large. Cybercrimes are increasing due to which business and customers are getting affected. Technology is being used by the cyber criminals for stealing the confidential information of business and customers (Goodyear, 2010). Businesses are facing various challenges due to the online threats creating an impact on the cyber security for business. The focus on the cyber security is on providing protection to the business and customers. Various challenges are being faced by business due to cyber security. These challenges include education and awareness, services and privacy, prevention of data loss, encryption of USB, third party device connectivity, disk encryption, application control, mobile device management, indicators of the breach, the team for responding to emergency situations, insider threat, and the internet. All these challenges are affecting the performance of the business and there is a need to cope with these challenges in cyber secruity (Clemente, 2013). This project will discuss the role of cyber security for business and the various challenges which are being faced by the business. Figure 1: Cyber security Source: (Golbeck, 2017) Project objective Objectives are the goals which help in guiding the efforts of the individuals towards the right path. Objectives have been set for this project so as to execute this project in a successful manner. Project objectives of this project are mentioned below: To analyze the concept of cyber security and trend of cyber security. To identify the role played by cyber security for business To analyze the different challenges in cyber security for business and identifying measures for dealing with these challenges. Project scope The aim of this project is to analyze the various challenges in cyber security for business which are creating an impact on the performance of the business. This will be done for gaining an understanding of these challenges. This project will help in providing a detailed understanding of these challenges and analyzing the impact of these challenges on the business and customers. The focus of this project will be on collecting information related to the topic of the project. Literature review Role of Cyber Security According to Cornish, et. al. (2011), Cyber security can be explained as the body of technologies and practices which are designed with a motive to provide protection to the networks, programs, and computers from the unauthorized access of the data or information. Cyber security is an important aspect which forms a base for the digital transformation. Cyber-attacks are increasing with the change in the business environment and have become an international concern. Network protection is an important aspect as every element of the economy is linked to the internet. Lack of protection for data stored on the internet can create a huge impact on the economy. The global economy is getting affected due to the increasing cyber-attacks. A cyber-attack can be understood as a situation when computer systems, networks and enterprises dependent on technology are exploited intentionally. Cyber defense strategies are being adopted by the businesses for ensuring the protection of the confidential in formation (Nojeim, 2010). Cyber-attacks are creating huge harm to the business. With the increase in the number of services, there has been a rise in the number of cases related to cyber-crime. Constant technological innovations are the reasons behind the growth of the cyber-crimes. Cyber-crimes are creating an impact on the reputation of the business, affecting the competitiveness of the business and financial losses to the business. Cyberspace has evolved the manner in which business operations are carried out (CUNY, 2010). Cyber security is an important issue for the global economy for ensuring that illegal and unethical practices are not creating harm to the global economy. IT security teams and professionals are making constant efforts for coping with the cases of cyber-attacks. Cyber-attack is becoming a life threatening threat to every business which is affecting the existence of the business. Cyberspace has provided growth opportunities to the business by enhancing the quality of the services offered by the customers (Raduege Bissell, 2013). Cyberspace has provided opportunities for the growth and expansion of the business but there are some serious risks which are associated with this concept. This rise in the use of cyberspace has increased the number of cases along with the increase in the cost involved for the protection of the data of business from hackers or cyber-criminals (SECU View, 2016). Challenges in Cyber security for business Major changes have taken place in the IT sector which has increased the need of cyber security for businesses. Businesses need to ensure the safety of the digital assets from the unauthorized access. Cyber-criminals are targeting large, medium as well as small businesses. Cyber-crime damages are increasing the cost of businesses as well as affecting the functioning and customer base of the business. Companies are using cyber security for operating a safe and secure network and protecting the data related to business and its customers (Raduege Bissell, 2013). There are various challenges in cyber security for business. These challenges in cyber security for business are an insider threat, management of password, mobility, the internet, privacy laws, connectivity of the third party devices, USB control, encryption of the USB, prevention of the loss of data, application control, disk encryption, digitalisation, big data and cloud computing (Mena Report, 2016). One of the biggest challenges for the business is related to insider threat. Dissatisfaction level among the employees may increase due to which insider threats develop. This insider threat can create harm to the cyber security of the business. Proper protection must be done of the systems by installing software. An employee may violate the network security rules formulated by the company for protecting confidential data. Training must be provided to the employees and consequences must be explained to the employees. This will help in keeping a check on the cyber threats (Valk, 2010). With the advancement in the technology, cyber-criminals are putting their efforts of cracking the passwords so as to gain access to the confidential information of the business. Passwords should be changed at regular intervals for eliminating the cyber-threat (Greenwald, 2013). In the article written by Greenwald, qualitative research method has been used for collecting theoretical knowledge related to the research topic. For example, a case of threat of credit cards data took place in the year 2014. In this case, data of 50 million credit cards were stolen from the system of Home Depot. The system of the home depot was breached due to which credit card details of 50 million card holders were exposed. For getting access to the computer network of the company, thieves have used the user name of the vendor and password. Thieves installed malware in computer network due to which details of the credit cards were handed over to the criminals (Murphy, 2017). Another example is the breach w hich took place due to the use of outdated technology. It was disclosed that this breach has exposed the data of 21.5 million people. This case is one of the biggest cases of breach of U.S. Government data (Murphy, 2017). The Internet also acts as a challenge for the cyber security which affects the performance of the business. The secured medium needs to be developed for ensuring the protection of the data available over the internet. The Internet is an open connection and cyber threats can affect. For example, in the year 2009, Google corporate servers were hacked in China. Intellectual property and other information were hacked and this hacking took place for gaining access to the Gmail account of Chinese human rights activists. Court orders which were authorizing surveillance were hacked (Murphy, 2017). Employees have started using their personal devices for accessing the portals of business which is an increasing issue for the businesses. Details or confidential data of the employees and of the company are at risk due to the availability of hacking software over the internet. Privacy laws need to be formulated for ensuring the safety of the data. Lack of effective privacy laws can act as a challenge for the cyber security. Fake advertisements and feedbacks also act as a threat to the safety of personal data of the business (Penzes, 2014). Applied research method has been used in the article written by Penzes. The motive behind use of this research method is to solve the practical problems of the world by analysing the challenges in cyber security. There has been a rise in the use of cloud computing or cloud based services by the business and employees for storing data. Cyber-criminals hack these cloud based storage platforms for accessing the personal information of the business and employees. These details are used for conducting unethical or illegal practices. Barge volume of data is stored on websites or storage platforms and security of these platforms need to be ensured (Wang Lu, 2013). In the article written by Wang and Lu, problem oriented research method has been used. This research method has been used for analysing the challenges faced by different companies. For example, more than a billion user names along with passwords were hacked by Russian hackers. These user names and passwords were hacked from approximately 400 websites (Murphy, 2017). The increase in the process of digitalisation has increased the use of internet based platforms by the business. Businesses are using software, storage mediums and communication mediums which are based on the internet. This increasing dependence on the internet has created a huge impact on the protection of the data of the business. This challenge to cyber security needs to be dealt by using strategies (Chanaga, 2016). For example, it was seen that in the year 2014, Yahoo data breach took place. This breach of data was of more than 500 million users. Another breach was reported which took place in the year 2013. More than one billion users got affected due to this breach and their data was exposed (Murphy, 2017). Secondary sources of data collection have been used in the article written by Murphy for the collection of data. Another important challenge is related to awareness among the employees for the cyber security. This lack of awareness has increased the risk of the business. Organizations are not having emergency response team which deals with the situations of cyber-attack and breaches. Emergency response team analyses the potential cyber threat or breach and take steps for eliminating these threats or breaches. Prevention of data should be the priority of emergency response team as theft or breach results in loss of data. This data can be used against the business resulting in a potential impact on the business (Purdy, 2016). Businesses are not using active application control program which controls or prevents the cyber-attacks and helps in identifying these thefts and breaches which help in dealing with the adverse situation. Companies are less concern towards the protection of mobile devices. Mobile devices are used in the workplace for executing the operations and confidential information is stored on these mobile devices (Chanaga, 2016). Companies need to ensure disk encryption for protecting data from the theft and loss. The secure environment should be created for the business so as to ensure that business is operating in a secure environment. Businesses are becoming more and more concern for the safety and security of the data of the business. This concern has resulted in the use of USB encryption for the protection of the data from unauthorized access and ensuring that the data on a device connected to end point is encrypted (ITU, 2012). The shift of the real world towards the virtual world has led to rising in the cyber crimes. There are various reasons which are responsible for the increase in the cases of cyber-crimes. These reasons include an increase in digital financial services, increase in the interaction through social platforms, profitable returns on cyber-crimes and changing technology. There has been a rise in the digital financial services such as online purchasing, internet banking, and stock trading. This increase in the digital financial services available over the internet is for enhancing the comfort level and convenience of the people. But these services are being attacked by the cyber-criminals for misusing these services (Wang Lu., 2013). There are various social media platforms which are being used by people for communicating and sharing information with each other. These social media platforms have been targeted by the cyber-criminals for accessing the information and misusing it for their ben efit. Personal information is being hacked by the cyber-criminals and is misused for conducting illegal activities. Hackers have used cyber-crime for gaining high profits (Tonge, et. al., 2013). Technological advancements have created positive as well as negative impact on the world economy. The cost of protection is very high which increases the operating cost of the business. Customized solutions need to be developed and for this, businesses need to take help of the IT professionals or experts. Various cyber-crimes take place for affecting the sales of the business. Competitors may adopt unfair methods or ways for increasing their sales and decreasing the sales of other companies. Information related to a business may get hacked by the hackers for unauthorized use and misuse the information for self-interest (Abomhara Kien, 2015). Impact of challenges in cyber security There are various adverse impacts of cyber-attacks which can hinder the existence of the business. Cyber-attacks can result in commercial losses; increase the chances of extortion aside, issues related to public relations, legal compliance, negligence claims and loss of trust among the customers, suppliers, and society. Companies suffering from cyber-attacks may suffer financial loss as main motive behind cyber-attack is gaining monetary benefits or stealing confidential information. The reputation of the business also gets affected due to cyber-attacks (Wang Lu., 2013). This impact of the reputation of the business can result in loss of sale, loss of customers and fall in the profits of the company. Companies may suffer legal consequences as loss of confidential information of the client is a crime. According to the data protection act, personal data of the customers should be managed in a proper manner. For example, Anthem Inc. a health insurer has suffered at large due to cyber-a ttack. Systems of Anthem were hacked in the year 2015 and due to these hacking personal records of approximately 80 million people (Szoldra, 2015). Coping with challenges in Cyber security Companies are coping with these issues and focusing on developing strategies for dealing with the increasing cyber threats. For coping with this issue, there is a need to apply strategies. In the words of Ulsch (2014), businesses can use cyber security audit for protecting data and analyzing the effectiveness of the cyber security strategies used by the businesses. Cyber security plans and procedures allies can be developed. Internal policies need to be created by the business as companies may face threat from the employees of the company. Internal policies will help in keeping a check on the behavior of the employees. Systems used by the business must be updated on regular basis for eliminating the chances of cyber-attack. Employees must be aware of the cyber-attacks and their impacts on the performance of the business. A Strong password should be created and these passwords should be changes on regular basis for ensuring the safety of the data. Security expert must be hired for dea ling with the security related risks (Ulsch, 2014). Identification of gaps During the execution of the research, some gaps have been identified. These gaps are the gap between the existing studies on the basis of which research is carried out and studies on the basis of which research will be executed. Reason behind the creation of these gaps is the lack of proper answers for the research questions of the research. This situation arises when the collected data and analysed data is not answering to the research questions. This research has discussed the challenges in cyber security for business but measures for coping with these challenges in cyber security for business are not discussed. Further research will discuss these measures which are used for dealing with the challenges in cyber security. Journal articles used in this research have discussed the concept of cyber security, its role for business and challenges in cyber security for business. Conclusion Thus, it can be concluded that cyber security is an important aspect of every business. This project has discussed the concept of cyber security and the role played by cyber security in enhancing the confidentiality of the data of the business. Various cases have been identified which are related to cyber-attacks. With the technological advancement, the threat of cyber-attack is also increasing which has raised the concern for the safety of the data of the business. This project has discussed different challenges in Cyber security for business which creates an impact on the confidentiality of data of the business and on the performance of the business. References Abomhara, M. Kien, G. M., 2015, Cyber Security and the Internet of Things: Vulnerabilities, Threats, Intruders and Attacks, Journal of Cyber Security, 4, 6588. Chanaga, J., 2016, Three security actions CEOs must take: Cyber risk is the greatest business challenge of the 21st century,SC Magazine,27(12), 50. Clemente, D., 2013, Cyber Security and Global Interdependence: What Is Critical?, Chatham House. Cornish, P., Livingstone, D., Clemente, D. Yorke, C., 2011, Cyber Security and the UKs Critical National Infrastructure, Chatham House. CUNY, 2010, The City University of New York Monthly Cyber Security Tips for a general user audience Newsletter, The City University of New York, 1 (1). Golbeck, J., 2017, What Cyber security Threats Should Most Worry You?, Slate. Goodyear, M., 2010, Cyber security Management in the States: The Emerging Role of Chief Information Security Officers, IBM Center for The Business of Government. Greenwald, J., 2013, Challenges hold up passage of federal cyber security legislation,Business Insurance,47(10), 17-18. ITU, 2012, Understanding cybercrime: Phenomena, challenges and legal response, ITU. Mena Report., 2016, Australia : Raising cyber security awareness for business, Mena Report. Murphy, K., 2017, Cyber Security: Still among the Biggest Challenges for Businesses, Cyber Training 365. Nojeim, G. T., 2010, Cybersecurity and Freedom on the Internet, JNSLP. Penzes, O., 2014, Information security challenges for companies in the digital age,Northern Kentucky Law Review,41(3), 471-489. Purdy, A., 2016, The Global Cyber Security Challenge, HUAWEI. Raduege, H. Bissell, K., 2013, Cybersecurity for the CFO: Risks, Challenges, and Opportunities, Deloitte. SECU View, 2016, The Importance of Cyber Security in the European Single Market, SECU View, 2. Szoldra, P., 2015, The 9 worst cyberattacks of 2015, Business Insider. Tonge, A. M., Kasture, S. S. Chaudhari, S. R., 2013, Cyber security: challenges for society- literature review, Journal of Computer Engineering, 12 (2). Ulsch, M., 2014,Cyber Threat! How to Manage the Growing Risk of Cyber Attacks (Wiley Corporate FA), Hoboken: Wiley. Valk, V., 2010, Cyber Security: Attacks Increase, Complexity and Challenges Rise,Chemical Week,172(9), 13. Wang Lu, 2013, Cyber Security in the Smart Grid: Survey and Challenges,Computer Networks, Volume 57, Issue 5.
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