
Friday, May 31, 2019

Management Essay -- essays research papers

In order to perform the functions of fill inment and to assume multiple roles, managers must be accomplishmented. Robert Katz identified cardinal managerial skills that be essential to successful management practiced, clement, and abstract*. Technical skill involves process or technique knowledge and proficiency. Managers use the processes, techniques and tools of a circumstantial area. Human skill involves the ability to interact effectively with people. Managers interact and cooperate with employees. Conceptual skill involves the formulation of ideas. Managers understand abstract relationships, develop ideas, and solve problems creatively. Thus, technical skill deals with things, human skill concerns people, and conceptual skill has to do with ideas. A managers train in the organization determines the relative importance of possessing technical, human, and conceptual skills. Top level managers lead conceptual skills in order to view the organization as a whole. Conceptua l skills are used in planning and dealing with ideas and abstractions. Supervisors need technical skills to manage their area of specialty. All levels of management need human skills in order to interact and communicate with other people successfullyAs the pace of reposition accelerates and diverse technologies converge, new global industries are being created (for example, telecommunications). Technological change alters the fundamental structure of firms and calls for new organizational approaches and management skills.O... direction Essay -- essays research papers In order to perform the functions of management and to assume multiple roles, managers must be skilled. Robert Katz identified three managerial skills that are essential to successful management technical, human, and conceptual*. Technical skill involves process or technique knowledge and proficiency. Managers use the processes, techniques and tools of a specific area. Human skill involves the ability to interact effectively with people. Managers interact and cooperate with employees. Conceptual skill involves the formulation of ideas. Managers understand abstract relationships, develop ideas, and solve problems creatively. Thus, technical skill deals with things, human skill concerns people, and conceptual skill has to do with ideas. A managers level in the organization determines the relative importance of possessing technical, human, and conceptual skills. Top level managers need conceptual skills in order to view the organization as a whole. Conceptual skills are used in planning and dealing with ideas and abstractions. Supervisors need technical skills to manage their area of specialty. All levels of management need human skills in order to interact and communicate with other people successfullyAs the pace of change accelerates and diverse technologies converge, new global industries are being created (for example, telecommunications). Technological change alters the fundame ntal structure of firms and calls for new organizational approaches and management skills.O...

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Etiology of Addiction Disease Model Essay examples -- Addiction Dr

Addiction is like all behaviours the business of the brain. Addictions are compulsive physical and psychological needs from habit-forming sustenances like nicotine, alcohol, and drugs. Being occupied with or involved in such activities, leads a person who uses them again and again to become tolerant and dependent in conclusion experiencing withdrawal. (Molintas, 2006). Addictive drugs cause dopamine neurons to release dopamine, the pleasure hormone. The narcotics disable the neurons that would usually keep the dopamine neurons in check becoming over stimulated. Endorphins are produced and released deep down the brain, creating a high and reinforcing the individuals positive associations with the activity. Hence the rush (Molintas, 2006) Considering alcohol, alcoholic beverages have been a part of this nations past since the Pilgrims set down (David Capuzzi, 2008, p. 4). Early colonists had a high regard for alcoholic beverages because alcohol was believed to be a healthy substanc e with preventative and curative capabilities rather than as an intoxicant. (David Capuzzi, 2008, p. 4) inebriant was the centerpiece in taverns throughout the colonies. The production and consumption of alcohol caused enough concern to precipitate several versions of the temperance movement, which was developed to encourage people to chorus from the use of distilled spirits. Their goal was the replacement of excessive drinking with more moderate and socially approved levels of drinking (David Capuzzi, 2008, p. 4). In the early 1800s, clergy took the position that alcohol could bollix up both the mind and body (David Capuzzi, 2008, p. 4). Throughout history, humans have used drugs to achieve desired changes of experiences. Even ancient warriors ... ...rator, can deny responsibility by claiming a lack of control caused by drugs or alcohol. It remains valid that drug and alcohol abuse are common characteristics of all forms of violence (Wallace, 2008, p. 19). flora CitedDavid Capu zzi, M. D. (2008). Foundations of Addictions Counselling. Boston Pearson Education, Inc.Molintas, D. (2006, November 26). Addictions. Retrieved from Anatomy of Addictions www.pcij.org/i-report/2006/addictions.htmlStanton Peele. (1988). Major Contemporay Perspectives on Addiction and Alcoholism. New York, NY Macmillian, Inc.UnKnown. (2011, January 7). Is Alcoholism a Disease? Retrieved January 7, 2011, from Alcohol and Drug Guide.com www.alcohol-and-drug-guide.com/alcoholism-disease-model.htmlWallace, H. (2008). Family Violence Legal, Medical, and Social Perspectives - Fifth Edition. Boston, MA Pearson Education Inc.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings: Movie and Book Essay -- Movie Film co

I Know Why the Caged lady Sings Movie and Book   The novel, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, by Maya Angelou is the first series of five autobiographical novels. This novel tells about her life in rural Stamps, Arkansas with her religious grandmother and St. Louis, Missouri, where her worldly and glamorous mother resides. At the age of three Maya and her four-year old brother, Bailey, are turned over to the care of their paternal grandmother in Stamps, Arkansas. Southern life in Stamps, Arkansas was filled with humiliation, violation, and displacement. These actions were exemplified for blacks by the fear of the Ku Klux Klan, racial separation of the town, and the many incidents in belittling blacks. Maya knows that to be black and female is to be faced with rage and violation. This is brought into focus when she goes to live with her mother and is raped by her mothers boyfriend. When Maya is faced with this catastrophe, tells who did this to her, and the man is killed, she believes her voice killed him. She withdraws into herself and vows neer to speak again. Her mother feeling that she has make everything in her power to make Maya talk, but can cannot reach her, sends Maya and her brother back to Stamps. After Maya returns to Stamps and with the help of her Teacher-Ms. Flowers she begins to speak again. The culmination of the novel is when Maya describes her eighth line graduation. Angelou, her classmates, and parents listen to the condescending and racist manner in which the guest speaker talks. After listening to his insults, Maya realizes she is the master of her fate which was expressed in the valedictory apostrophize given by her classmate. Maya becomes a single parent at the age of eighteen, bu... ..., the film portrayed the kids being overly whelmed with hatred when they received gifts from their parents. It was like they never knew their parents existed. Another example of the difference between the book and the movie is Mr. Freeman (mothers boyfriend) was presented as being very reserved with the children. In the movie he was seen as warm, talkative, and friendly towards Maya and her brother. The film also showed Mr. Freemans manly behavior by confronting Vivian (Mayas mother) at her job. However, in the book Mr. Freeman never left the house, he always sat and waited at home for her. Although reality involves a vast supply of details and you can not select them all. some writers, directors, and artists, emphasis with this information and diminish other information in order to make the novels, movies, plays and etc. more vivid to our imagination.  

Sexual Discrimination in the Workplace :: Sexual Discrimination Stereotypes Feminism Essays

Sexual Discrimination in the Workplace Sexual discrimination in the workplace is mostthing that some individuals have to deal with. This is not to be confused with sexual harassment, rather different treatment an individual(s) receives because of their gender. I chose to speak to this issue because it seems that no matter what is done, this idea, or tradition, of men being superior to women will not fade out. Sexual discrimination is a major factor in how some stereotypes are derived. Men, on the average, are taller, stronger, and more aggressive than women (Harriman 69). It is believed that women have a slight advantage over men in communication skills and creativity. Women are perceived as nice and are definitely the only part of the human population capable of bearing children, therefore, working conditions that were set for men were considered to be too dangerous for women (Harriman 47). address this scenario. A woman goes to college for four years. She put everything she had into getting an education that would give her an edge on the competition in her field. When she steps out into the world to pass on towards her dream career, she finds that doors are being slammed in her face because she is not the right man for the job. It disgusts me to think that I, or any man for that matter, could cause a major declination in a company (which could also hurt the economy) because I was hired as a male instead of a qualified employee. One may in theory have equal opportunity to demonstrate skills in certain types of employment, but if one lacks money for decent clothes, or in some cases social standing, or their sex, one is less likely to be interviewed... -Gross 105 This unfair treatment cannot be abolished by just snapping your fingers or closing your eyes and clicking your heels together.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Psychotherapy Versus Pharmacotherapy :: Biology Essays Research Papers

Psychotherapy Versus Pharmacotherapy Is One Better than the other?One of the most startling things to me at the beginning of the Neurobiology and behavior course was learnedness about the existence of reductionism. That is, those who do not believe there is a human soul or necessarily even a mind. Instead, as I understood it, reductionism says we be all a product of our neurons and the firings that take place in the brain and nervous system. Those scientists, from what we discussed, might claim that disorders that take place in human behavior ( such as schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or even depression) are all functions of neurotransmitters and the firings of neurons in the brain. In order to cure ailments such as these, authoritative psychiatrists or doctors might rely heavily and solely on medication. This type of treatment is known as the pharmacotherapy approach, in which medication is the primary tool utilise for curing patients. However, this idea did not rin g true as necessarily the best or only approach to human disorders, especially to a drumhead major such as myself. I decided to then delve into the Internet to see peoples views as well as actual statistics on which treatment, psychotherapy or pharmacotherapy, was indeed better. What I found was that a combination of the two seems to be the best bet in treating patients, and I will show order to support this as I talk about each topic individually, and then discuss their merits when used together. Also, in the scope of a paper such as this, I will look at both sides of the two treatments specifically for depression, since that is the best way to discuss specific statistics and for recovery. (3) WHAT IS PSYCHOTHERAPY?Just for a brief overview, psychotherapy is seen as a method of treating symptoms of distress in patients to help them return to a normal level of functioning. It is used as a medical tool to help a person overcome difficulties. Typical therapy is the kind most of us a re familiar with, 50 minute sessions that are once a week with a therapist. The main focuses is for a patient to better understand their circumstances, the best ways to deal with them, and who they are as a person. Usually, if patients have a behavior specific problem, the APA homepage says sessions last an average of 16 visits. (APA homepage reference). Technically, the therapist has an interview with an individual to find out who they are as a person, their background, and then works from there to help heal and discuss the problems that have been affecting their daily functioning.

Psychotherapy Versus Pharmacotherapy :: Biology Essays Research Papers

Psychotherapy Versus Pharmacotherapy Is One Better than the other?One of the most galvanise things to me at the beginning of the Neurobiology and behavior course was learning about the existence of reductionism. That is, those who do not believe there is a human soul or necessarily even a mind. Instead, as I understood it, reductionism says we are all a product of our neurons and the firings that take place in the brain and flighty system. Those scientists, from what we discussed, might claim that disorders that take place in human behavior (such as schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or even depression) are all functions of neurotransmitters and the firings of neurons in the brain. In order to cure ailments such as these, certain psychiatrists or doctors might rely heavily and solely on medication. This type of treatment is known as the pharmacotherapy approach, in which medication is the primary tool utilise for curing patients. However, this idea did not ring true as necessarily the outstrip or unaccompanied approach to human disorders, especially to a psyche major such as myself. I decided to then delve into the Internet to see peoples views as well as actual statistics on which treatment, psychotherapy or pharmacotherapy, was indeed foretellter. What I found was that a combination of the two seems to be the best bet in treating patients, and I will show evidence to support this as I talk about each topic case-by-casely, and then discuss their merits when used together. Also, in the scope of a paper such as this, I will look at both sides of the two treatments specifically for depression, since that is the best mood to discuss specific statistics and for recovery. (3) WHAT IS PSYCHOTHERAPY?Just for a brief overview, psychotherapy is seen as a method of treating symptoms of distress in patients to help them return to a normal level of functioning. It is used as a medical tool to help a person overcome difficulties. Typical therapy is the ki nd most of us are familiar with, 50 minute sessions that are once a week with a therapist. The main focuses is for a patient to better understand their circumstances, the best ways to deal with them, and who they are as a person. Usually, if patients have a behavior specific problem, the APA homepage says sessions last an average of 16 visits. (APA homepage reference). Technically, the therapist has an interview with an individual to find out who they are as a person, their background, and then works from there to help heal and discuss the problems that have been affecting their daily functioning.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Community Wind Power And Institutional Arrangements Environmental Sciences Essay

The outgrowth of the job of scarceness of resources and the necessity to increase the sustainability of muscularity product has led to the developing of diametric technological solutions and energy production systems. Wind energy put forward be considered an of import driver to forestall planetal alter by cut d throwing C emanations from electrical advocate multiplication ( Sahin, 2004 ) . Furthermore arise turbine victimisation is extremely distributed geographically and its ascendancy still has to be exploited ( Archer et al. 2009 ) . Besides, we assist at a primary(prenominal) addition of the demand for micro-generation in urban and rural countries, in order to affix energy to isolated ho customs and as an option to the fuel monetary jimmy addition ( Ibid, 2009 ) . Wind energy is safe, abundant and will probably represent an of import assort to future clean, sustain able and diversified electricity supplies. Unlike other beginnings of energy, carriage actual doe s non foul the ambiance and does non make any relevant outwardness ( Sahin, 2004 ) . wherefore it is possible to anticipate that personal line of credit stream energy will lend significantly and on a planetary graduated table in tempt outing jobs such as climate alteration, the depletion of dodo fuel resources, every bit good as pollution ( Hoogwijk et al. , 2004 IEA, 2008 ) .Denmark stood out as one of the pickings state in the field of sort genuine energy production the major(ip) banding of danish pastry atmosphere watercourse turbines were purchased by the members of the topical anaesthetic communities. mercenary investors or independent origin manufacturers detains a comparatively minor portion comp bed to other states. It is relevant to advert that partnership line of business f utter power has in like manner played a important function in Germany, Sweden, the Nederland and the UK.In this paper there is an effort to sum up the set of conditions and institut ional variables that discontinueed the laterality of alliance nobble power development instead than the mercenary 1. Furthermore a treatment will follow about the characteristics of conjunction appearance stream power, the property-right governments and the characteristics of wind-rich countries as a populace or private good. For the intents of this paper community production line stream is defined as locally owned substructure ( turbines ) to bring onward energy from airwave flowing, that is connected to the power grid and where one or more member of the local community consume a important and come up to interest in the undertaking ( Bolinger, 2004 ) . Continuing with the undermentioned subdivisions the reader will happen a brief diachronic overview of the air current energy welkin in Europe and in peculiar in Denmark. The paper will go on supplying more inner(a) informations about the features of the development creation credence towards new turbines undertakings in the Danish instance with a nexus to the alterations in the ownership forms. In the conclusive portion the characteristics of community air current will be discussed are there relevant direction issues? Are at that place rivalry and excludability in the usage of the resource? Are wind turbines a common-pool resource? Through the comparing with the findings of the article written by Bolinger in 2004 some critical facets in the definition of wind-rich countries will be underlined.Some considerations on Wind EnergyWind energy is the fastest work oning beginning of power coevals in Europe, consisting 40 % of all new electrical power capacity installed in the EU in 2008 ( EWEA, 2009 ) . Faced with energy crises in 1973 western states began to seek for clean and renewable energy beginnings like air current, solar or biomass. Besides, the pollution created by thermoelectric power workss and crude oil stuffs is dramatically polluting the atmospheric environment. Harmonizing to some book mans, wind energy resources of Europe, are sufficient to fulfill all European s electricity demand. Nowadays this will non be possible due to proficient restrictions to to the full use wind possible. Nevertheless elaborate surveies suggest that or so states could cover between 10 % and 20 % of their entire demand of electricity utilizing air current turbines without any proficient alteration to the bing system ( Sahin 2004 Archer et al. , 2009 ) . As showed in Figure 1, during the last 20 old ages, air current energy has been object of an exponential growing. In add-on, its usage has been extended to industrial intents in some European states including Germany, Denmark and Spain ( Moller, 2008 ) .Figure Global cumulative air current power capacity, 1990-2007 ( in MW ) . Source EWEA, 2008.Harmonizing to the informations provided by ewea in early 2004, about 70 % of the planetary air current power capacity resided in Europe. As indicated in Figure 1, in the succeeding old ages the c omparative portion of European air current energy capacity is diminishing due to the installment of new turbines in the remainder of the universe, particularly in the United States. Traveling in inside informations in the European scenario, diffusion degrees in the electrical energy sector have reached 21 % in Denmark and approximately 7 % and 12 % in Germany and Spain individually ( ewea, 2004 ) .The infrastructural demands of air current power coevals are instead modest, while the possible direct benefits in employment are significantly high. About 90 % of the universe s air current turbine makers are situated in Europe, with an aggregative one-year turnover of more than one billion Euros ( Sahin, 2004 ) .Figure technological development of air current turbines ( Garrad Hassan, 2001 )The technological advancement of turbines design is a nucleus facet for the hereafter of air current energy production. Figure 2 outlines the betterments made from the 1980s, when turbines reached m erely 15 metres, to the hereafter outlooks with estimate highs of more than 300 metres from the land.Sing that winds by and large increase with altitude above the land, the tallness of turbine s wing profile will unbendablely act upon the generated power result. The following tabular array studies the variableness of air current amphetamine and specific power at different height.Table Wind Speed and Specific Power at different Altitudes ( informations beginning Archer et al. , 2009 )Height from Ground m Wind Speed m/s Specific Power W/mA? 8007,2205804,658103,322Because of their copiousness, strength, and comparative doggedness, high height jet watercourse air currents are of peculiar involvement in air current power development. Despite periodic fluctuation, jet watercourses are instead relentless characteristics of the mid-latitudes in both hemispheres. Archer et Al. ( 2009 ) estimation that the entire air current energy that could be extracted from the jet watercourse is abou t 100 times the planetary energy demand. Several engineerings have been projected to work air current power at high heights. Most of them are still at an early phase of development at the present clip some patents have been acquired by research groups but interest ventures or commercial-scale pictures do non be. Besides high-level air current power engineering researches have non created any paradigm that has been tested long plenty to supply a changeless electricity coevals with associated cost effectivity ( Archer et al. , 2009 ) .Looking to the history of the instance of Denmark, a innovator state in air current energy development, three school principal periods can be identified slow growing of turbines figure until 1995, speed growing until 2001 and stagnancy and diminution since 2001 ( DEA, 2008 ) . This diminution after the millenary is ascribable to the increased impact on landscapes, the failure of the planning government and worse economical conditions due to the re motion of the fixed provender in duty ( Moller, 2008 ) . In add-on it is of import to advert that the presence of a strong domestic air current turbine fabrication industry has been an of import driver in Denmark. Sing the Danish instance, Moller summarize that during the 25 old ages of air current energy explosion the full circle has been made from alien, popular and welcome little graduated table option to everyday, progressively unpopular, and industrial graduated table development . rattling the hereafter of air current energy is seen off shore or related to the development of new engineerings ( Moller, 2008 Archer et al. , 2009 ) . In the undermentioned chapter of this paper the historical background of air current energy development in Denmark will be briefly summarized.Historical background of Wind energy in DenmarkThe history of air current energy development in Denmark is closely linked to several confirming conditions the beginnings of air current turbine fabricatio n were characterized by many little manufacturers, who were able to set up a competitory bunch of industries. In add-on good air current conditions, among the best in Europe, can be entrap on the West seashore and in the North West of the instead dumbly populated state ( Moller, 2010 ) .Get downing from the 1970s the development of air current energy in Denmark has gone through an incommensurable development, during which the engineering was pushed toward the more comfortable sector of the market and a series of be aftering systems were formal ( Moller, 2010 ) . Until 1973 practically all of the electricity in Denmark was generated in big, centralized thermic power Stationss ( Hadjilambrinos, 2000 ) . Modern air current energy in Denmark has its turning focus after the impact of the oil crises on the Danish energy system, farther stimulated by the anti-nuclear protests of that clip and by turning consciousness of the necessity of dear supplies and renewable energy. Furthermore, the increasing governmental focal point on environmental protection and sustainable development provided the general model for the enlargement of the wind-energy sector ( Moller, 2010 Saidur et al. , 2010 ) . Denmark has been a leader state in the progress of modern air current power during the first portion of its commercial history. Then, after the transition from small-scale undertakings to a large-scale industry, it arrived to bring forth resistance from the society against new installings ( Hvelplund, 2006 ) .The Danish Energy Agency ( DEA ) study that, in the period 1970-1985, there was a little addition in Numberss of turbines, while workss tripled their generating capacity. Until the twelvemonth 2001 wind energy increased making adulthood in footings of measure and size. Besides, during the period subsequent the twelvemonth 2000, previous(a) installings have been removed after ended utile life-time and due to re-powering policies. Currently it has been noticed no farther enlargement in figure of turbines except for the hard-on of two big offshore undertakings. Another more recent tendency is that air current energy delivered to the power web is diminishing ( Moller, 2010 DEA, 2008 ) . A major driver to the decrease of the figure of new turbines was of economic character the former fixed feed-in duty was abolished after the twelvemonth 2000, doing air current energy investings progressively dependent on unpredictable market monetary values ( Agnolucci, 2007 ) . Besides, after 2003, merely really few locations obtained be aftering permissions and sufficient economic feasibleness. Nowadays the poorer economic system of air current energy undertakings and the deficiency of planning grants for undertakings lead to an about complete deadlock of land based wind energy development in the Danish district. Merely few municipalities are now positive towards the building new land based undertakings and the location of new turbines is a gauzy issue in the po pulace argument ( Moller, 2010 ) .It is of import to underscore that turbines development has come at a cost ocular impact on priceless landscapes, socially inconvenient investings and erroneous ownership forms are amid the chief errors that have been made during the extremum of air current energy enlargement.Development of public credence in DenmarkWind energy in Denmark, as noted in the old subdivision, by and large relied in a high public credence ( Krohn and Damborg, 1999 Ladenburg, 2008 ) . One of the chief drivers to obtain public credence with a fast air current turbine development was ownership forms Moller noticed that public ordinance granted a similitude of the air current capacity to be erected by publically owned public-service corporations and, more significantly, statute law stimulated the formation of local air current energy co-ops with limited ownership of portions in air current turbine undertakings within occupants municipalities . Thus, get downing from th e twelvemonth 1994, local municipalities obliged to apportion zone for air current power development, for this ground most of Danish air current turbines are owned by one or more local occupants. This allow the distribution of income watercourses from air current energy sector to local communities. It is relevant to advert that the first association of air current turbine proprietors was formed on 4 May 1978, and the first air current turbine co-op was established in 1980. Public employ and the economic engagement on equal footings increase significantly local credence ( Toke et Al. , 2008 ) .Wind energy planning regulations are another important factor when recognizing a undertaking, in Denmark planning regulations have evolved over clip. In the early old ages and during the class of the 1980s a planning mandate was given by local governments on simple distance regulations, which has led to turn up turbines in extremely seeable countries, nearby parts of natural attraction and sce nic value. During the early 1990s force per unit area on landscapes grew and there was call for a nationally coordinated planning scheme. Restrictions came in topographic point delegating specific and sole countries where the air current turbines could be built. Municipal and regional governments began to develop repowering strategy to replace the old substructure and concentrate the new turbines in the selected locations.The new market ordinance for air current energy in the old ages after 2000 determined a perceptibly lower income and greater insecurity sing the net incomes of new air current energy undertakings. As already mentioned the chief driver was the terminal of the fixed feed-in duty in favour of market monetary values determined on the Nordic power market Nordpool plus a compensation for the decrease of CO2 ( Moller, 2010 ) . In the same period larger scale developments were progressively the portion of private investings instead than co-ops. As a effect the public argum ent was increasing its resistance and opposition against those big scale undertakings due to reduced engagement of the local community and to take down expected returns.Small Scale Wind Farms Ownership FormsMany researches in the literature on the subject agree in the positive correlativity between public credence and community ownership ( Moller, 2010 Toke et Al. , 2008 and Walker, 2008 ) . In this chapter the reader can happen a brief overview of the different signifier of community ownership. There are many undertakings that involve community ownership, through fiscal investing or managerial control, and have achieved community engagement in different sums and in different ways ( Stamford, 2004 ) . Undertakings can be to the full community owned, or may be under co-owner-ship agreements with the private sector, for illustration when local community possesses one turbine in a larger air current farm. The generated energy can be introduced into the national grid instead than bei ng utilise locally or can be both produced and consumed locally. There are different legal and fiscal theoretical accounts of ownership these include ( Walker, 2008 ) Cooperatives. Persons or households in the local community become members of the co-op and purchase portions to pay the undertaking.Community charities. Normally are formed in one association with charitable standing that provides or manage installations for the local community, such as local associations which use renewable energy to heat or power their constructions.Development trusts. Represent communities involvements in income coevals houses, and in some instances include discrepancies of community belongings.Shares owned by a local community organisation. Local community organisation obtains portions in a concern undertaking in the instance of air current farms the gifting of one of more turbines to the local community.In some instances the community may hold a incomplete ownership therefore possesses merel y limited rights to command or to influences in to determination devising. These different theoretical accounts raise of import inquiries as to who the community is that may have or part-own an energy undertaking. Complications will originate when persons have no advantage from air current energy and protest against its development. Besides touristry is a viing usage for land, even though researches from Denmark have revealed that air current energy development may heighten the green image of a state ( Krohn and Damborg, 1999 ) . In general it is possible to reason that an inauspicious attitude towards wind energy development is frequently conveyed by persons without benefit from air current sector ( Moller, 2010 ) .Institutional agreements for the mastery of community wind power in Denmark.As pointed out in the old subdivisions Denmark stood out as one of the taking state in the field of air current energy production the major portion of Danish air current turbines were bought by members of the local communities. Commercial or independent power manufacturers own a comparatively little portion compared to other instances. It is relevant to advert that community air current power has at any rate played a important function in Germany, Sweden, the Nederland and the UK. In this chapter will be outline the set of conditions and institutional variables that allowed the laterality of community wind power development instead than the commercial 1.As first measure some definitions will be provided to the reader in order to clear up the nomenclature that will be used throughout the following paragraphs. Hall and Taylor ( 1996 ) define establishments as formal or informal processs, modus operandis, norms and conventions embedded in the organisational construction of the civil order or political economic system. They can change from the regulations of a legal order or the standard operating processs of an disposal to the understandings that govern trade brotherhood a ctions or bank-enterprise dealingss. Toke et Al. ( 2008 ) use this definition to weave energy development as decision-making constructions, signifiers of organisation of air current power, be aftering systems and norms and understandings, which underpin wind power policy and patterns . Besides, for the intents of this paper, community air current is defined as locally owned substructure ( turbines ) to bring forth energy from air current, that is connected to the power grid and where one or more member of the local community have a important and direct interest in the undertaking ( Bolinger, 2004 ) .The following tabular array outlines the institutional variables that permitted the development of the community wind energy sector in Denmark. It comprises several elementsFinancial procurance system report the chief economic tool promoted by the authorities that assisted the energy manufacturers to guarantee a fiscal profitableness to the undertaking in the instance of Denmark a fix ed monetary value was set by authorities for the electricity produced by air current turbines.Fiscal stableness indicates if the fiscal support was changeless over clip in the Danish instance the feed-in duty system terminated in the twelvemonth 2001.Economic Involvement highlight the chief ownership forms in Denmark local community and persons are the chief histrions involved in turbines undertakings.Table Institutional Variables in Denmark ( Toke et al. , 2008 )VariableDanmarkFinancial procurance system ( chief type )Feed in duty fixed monetary value for a given sum of electricityFiscal stablenessStable ( until 2001 )Economic EngagementLocal private ownershipGrass grow enterprises ( historical roots )Local community anti-nuclearGrassroots ( related to dom. political relations )SupportedGrassroots initiatives points out the historical grounds and cases of society that fostered the development of air current energy sector the environmental and anti-nuclear motions in Denmark stro ngly supported air current turbines growing.Grassroots related to political issues underline if the national politicians supported wind energy the Danish authorities created a proper policy model and gave conspicuous fiscal support.The old treatment shows that community ownership contributed to heighten the development of air current energy in Europe. Precisely, community ownership has increased public credence of air current power, allowed to bring forth benefits for different histrions, modify the fabrication industry, and provided a big and comparatively low-priced beginning of capital to finance air current energy undertakings. For case, feed-in Torahs that give air current power electricity an extra premium monetary values have created available, solid, and profitable markets for community air current undertakings in Denmark ( Cohen, 2001 ) .Feed-in duties provided long-standing gross certainty with comparatively low dealing be.Presents, Denmark is the universe s largest air current power manufacturer and besides leads the rankings with the highest portion of electricity provided from air current turbines in the universe ( Stamford, 2004 ) . Stamford references besides that Denmark has the largest installed offshore capacity in the universe and is characterized by a history of strong research and development ( R & A D ) support, capital subsidies and strong community inducements .Discussion and DecisionThroughout this paper the historical conditions that allowed the success of community air current development have been outlined. In peculiar community ownership has increased public credence of air current power, allowed to bring forth benefits for different histrions, improved the fabrication industry, and provided a big and comparatively low-priced beginning of capital to finance air current energy undertakings.In this reasoning portion there is a treatment about the characteristics of community wind power related to property-right governments and the characteristics of wind-rich countries as a populace or private good. Bolinger ( 2004 ) argues that weave energy can be considered a public good, or a parks, even in the genuine sense . A figure of conditions have to be satisfiedCommunities obtain net income from air current farms normally pull offing and using wind-rich countries, which are used for intents that are suited to weave turbine development, such as agribusiness or fringy land.Another characteristic of a parks is the scarceness of a resource, in the instance of air current energy there are a limited figure of wind-rich locations. Besides, air current energy shows turning costs of development with increasing sums of resources used.A proper direction is needed in order to avoid land debasement or struggle when there is a common usage of fringy lands. Land is a limited resource and direction becomes a necessity to keep productiveness.Therefore it is clear that land with a good air current government is a limited reso urce, which can bring forth grosss to a local community if decently planned and managed. In the instance of Denmark local community is the chief stakeholder that use wind resources to make local income, maintain landscape values and contribute to sustainable energy supply of future coevalss.Analyzing the belongings rights government of community wind it is apparent that, for wind-rich countries, excludability ( or control of entree ) exists in other words wind-rich countries have boundaries. Besides, the resource is held by an identifiable community of independent users ( E.g. Danish municipality ) . These users exclude foreigners while modulating usage by members of the community.Subtractability ( or competition ) is the beginning of the possible divergency between genius and corporate reason that means, if each user is capable of deducting from the public assistance of other users ( Feeny, 1990 ) . Sing a air current farm we notice that the velocity of air current lessening when it base on balls by a turbine s spiral. In pattern this means that a limited sum of turbines can be installed in order to avoid competition between users.Bolinger ( 2004 ) in his article defines air current as a public good and examines the scuttle of over-utilization from a local community of its wind-rich countries and argues that there will non be a direct debasement of land that threatens future air current power coevals. The sepulchral consequence of over-utilization will be that landscapes themselves acquire degraded visually . This is contrast with the old decisions the characteristics of wind-rich countries ( excludability and competition ) suggest sorting air current energy as a private good or nine good in some instance where competition is limited ( E.g. offshore wind farms ) furthermore the over-utilization may take to a direct lessening of the air current energy coevals potency and to conflict between users.The whole scope of factors that have been outlined point out the importance of the proper direction of air current energy with the engagement of the community. Wind sector has a immense development potency for the hereafter is safe, abundant and will probably represent an of import part to clean, sustainable and diversified electricity supplies. As already mentioned it is to anticipate that air current energy will lend significantly and on a planetary graduated table in work outing jobs such as clime alteration, the depletion of dodo fuel resources, every bit good as pollution ( Hoogwijk et al. , 2004 IEA, 2008 ) .

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Shild’s outcome Essay

The connection between the parents status and the childs well being is often argued. Some of the studies in the past have shown that children brought up by dickens married parents tend to grown kick downstairs than the others (Sigle-Rushton, Wendy and McLanahan). In most of these studies, the results have been derived by comparing the family structure of single parent and both biological parents. Another aspect of the association of family structure with childs welfare it the type of singing between the parents.The children having parents with mutual dispute are more probable to have behavioral and psychological problems (Amato and Sobolewski). Therefore while considering the question, are two parents better than angiotensin converting enzyme? a fact becomes very clear that the family definitely has an influence on the childs outcome, well-being and future development. A couple or two parents raising a child have varying well behaveds. With two parents a lot of responsibili ties house be distributed, which prevents the development of massive pressure on single single parent.This is especially useful in case of working parents, who can distribute their office hours in such a way that at either time one of the parents is present with the child. Along with this there is also an economic factor associated with it. With two working parents the child is expected to have a better childhood, with larger number of necessities and luxuries being made available to the child. Along with having larger parental time, attention and emotional obtain, the two parent children also have advantage of economic security.Apart from the above factors, two parents provide a stable environment to the children. The children parented by two parents have the love and emotional support from both the parents. These children are free from parenting tensions due to distribution of the stress among the parents. This way the children are not subjected to the parents tension at an p rimal acquaint of their life. Therefore they can enjoy their childhood to a better extent than other children. The parents under marital dispute are the only disadvantage of the two parents raising a child.It has been studied that the children growing up with parents under marital dispute grow up with behavioral problems, little education and lower occupational status (Mitchell). But an important point to consider here is that most of the marriages that end in divorces are low-conflicts. Most of the divorces are mutual and seen as a positive step from both the parents and are taken healthily by the children. In case of single parenting or disrupted families the disadvantages are much higher. fit to Paul Amato, Professor of Sociology at Pennsylvania State University, Specifically, compared with children who grew up in stable, two-parent families children born outside marriage reach adulthood with less education, earn less income, have lower occupational status, are more likely to b e idle (that is , not employed and not in school), are more likely to have a non-marital birth (among daughters) have more troubled marriages, experience higher rates of divorce and report more symptoms of depression (Mitchell).Single parenting creates a lot of pressure both in emotional as well as pecuniary sense, which might lead to a depression or risk in the child. The parent is sometimes not able to fulfill the requirements of the child due to such monetary crisis. These may include some necessities like good quality education, a home with a social neighborhood and other essential items. Of which the quality of education has a huge bear on on the temperament of a child. Children going to better schools have more social company and this exhibit lesser behavioral problems.The quality of parenting also has a vast impact on the social well-being of the children. Due to their own problems, which they are not freely able to express out, the parent are not always emotionally stro ng enough to support their children. These single parents can sometimes let-out their stress on the children, thus creating a negative impact on them. Such parents can also be a little harsh in terms of disciple. Another disadvantage is lack of availability of time.Single parents have to work harder for financial reason, which in turn increases the number of office hours. Such parents tend to have a hectic schedule and lesser time to spend with the children. They leave early in the morning and come back late at night, therefore practically spending no time with their children. The children in turn dont feel enough attachment and start to develop a barrier with their parents. They start showing behavioral transfers and start to get away from relationships. Single parenting is a tough and sensitive job.Delicate care has to be taken to ensure the well being of the child. Single parenting can only be successful if comme il faut attention, love and affection are provided to the child. On the other hand it has been studied and statistically concluded by Paul Amato that Compared with other children, those who grow up in stable, two-parent families have a higher standard of living, receive more effective co-parenting, are emotionally closer to both parents (especially fathers) and are subjected to fewer stressful events and set (P. R. Amato). Under normal circumstances, two parents are always better than one. Two parents parenting a child provide an emotional as well as financial support to both their spouse as well as their children. Such children are tension free in their childhood and have role models to brisk up to for the future. Therefore as far as possible the children must be brought up under the guidance of two parents for their happy and prosperous future. working Cited Amato, P. R. and Sobolewski. The effects of divorce and marital discord on adult childrens psychological well-being. American Sociological Review (2001) 900-921. Amato, Paul R. The impact of family formation change on the cognitive, social, and emotional well-being of the next generation. The Future of Children Volume 15 No 2. CYC-Online, July 2007. Mitchell, Lindsay. Research Confirms Two Parents Better Than One. Media release. New Zealand www. cyc-net. org/cyc-online/cycol-0707-amato. html , 2007. Sigle-Rushton, Wendy and Sara McLanahan. Father absence seizure and child wellbeing a critical review. The future of the family (2004) 116-155.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Walt Whitman- Humans and Nature

Walt Whitman relates humans to nature in many of his poems. He often refers to us being part of the circle of liveness. Whitman believes in the thinking that humans never really die. I celebrate myself, and sing myself, is one poem that he relates himself and humankind to nature. In this poem, Whitman offers the idea that we are made from nature. unmatched line reads, My tongue, every atom of my blood, formd from this soil, this air Whitman also believes that humans live on after death. In A child tell What is the grass? Whitman asks what has become of people who have died.He answers this by writing, They are alive and well somewhere, The smallest sprout shows there is really no death. This is an example of his belief that life goes on, even after death. Whitman talks more on this life after death in The spotted hawk swoops by. He says that when we die, we turn to the dirt, and he says if he is missed, to look under our shoes. To finish his poem he says, Failing to fetch me at first keep encouraged, Missing me one place search another, I stop somewhere waiting for you. In A Noiseless Patient Spider, Whitman compares humans to a spider in nature.He says as spiders throw out their web, so do we also try to throw out our web to make connections with the universe. For example, we are now trying to decide on a college and career that lead bridge to the next part of our life. He says that humankind is, Ceaselessly musing, venturing, throwing, seeking the spheres to connect them Walt Whitman was a great American poet who felt in sync with nature. In most of his poems, he tried to encompass the connection between nature and human beings. With use of vivid adjectives and verbs, he has made himself a great poet in American history.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Figure of a Mother Holding a Child Essay

Created in the nineteenth century by an unknown Lulua artist, the dactyl of a vex dimension a pincer is a very interesting sculpture because there are multiple ways of understanding its import. On one hand, the sculpture is a perfect depiction of the pain of starvation that the African spate have been experiencing for a long time, and that nobody outside of Africa has done anything consequential about disdain the fact that the entire world discusses it. On the other hand, it represents a ritual that the Lulua tribe of the Democratic Republic of Congo had practiced for its own survival (Figure of a Mother Holding a Child).The sculpture is that of a skinny, African female with an infant in her arms. The adult females head is larger than her body. The bone lines on her neck are particularly telling. Even so, the bone lines on her neck and the wrinkles on her face had actually been created by the artist to showing that the Lulua peoples had used scarification to adorn their bod ies (Lulua Tribe Democratic Republic of Congo Figure of a Mother Holding a Child). Indeed, it is scarification that adorns the adult female carrying the infant.Just the alike the viewer is made to feel sorry for the woman and her child because they appear extremely poor. Made with wood and copper alloy, the woman in the sculpture has change form eyes and a pointed base (Figure of a Mother Holding a Child). According to the Brooklyn Museum, the base was most probably thrust into a pot containing earth and various bishimba, or materials of mineral, plant, animal, or human origin endowed with protective powers (Figure of a Mother Holding a Child). In actuality, the sculpture had been created for a Lulua woman who had experienced difficulties in childbirth. The Lulua people believed that it was the evil spirit which interrupted the process of childbirth for many women. So that the woman would attract the ancestral spirit of the Lulua tribe to get rid of the evil spirit, the artist g ave her the sculpture to care for until delivery. The bulging eyes of the sculpture reveal that the woman is aware of the influence of the evil spirit that is stopping her from becoming a mother (Lulua Tribe).The Lulua peoples had migrated from western Africa to the Democratic Republic of Congo during the eighteenth century. These people lived in small regional chiefdoms, and therefore formed closely knit communities (Lulua Tribe). Because they were immigrants, they were rather concerned about their continuity. Moreover, the Lulua people believed that their sculptures had to be made for religious reasons (Lulua Tribe). The Lulua artists who created sculptures such as the Figure of a Mother Holding a Child must have had faith that they were carrying out their moral trading toward their own people.Indeed, the religious values of the Lulua people were guarded by their art. Sculptures of female were quite popular among them, as these figures exemplified the union of physical and moral beautify ( poetic Sculpture). The Lulua people believed in equating proper behavior with physical beauty (Figurative Sculpture). It can be inferred that the Figure of a Mother Holding a Child and all other sculptures created for the same reason were reminders for the Lulua people that the human body cannot be separated from morality.This principle is clearly exemplified by the bond between mother and child. Works Cited Figurative Sculpture. Central African Art. 4 Dec 2007. . Figure of a Mother Holding a Child. Brooklyn Museum Collections African Art. 4 Dec 2007. . Lulua Tribe Democratic Republic of Congo. For African Art. 2006. 4 Dec 2007. .

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Stock Exchange of Thailand

Table of Content History of mark off 1 Establishment of personate 1 Vision & rush 1 Regulatory Framework of the Capital Market 2 Operations 3 Board of Governors 3 circumspection 4 sends case 5 bodied Governance Center 6 harvests and Services 6 Revenue Structure 12 Financial Events that Affect SET 12 SET and the World roue permutation 15 SET and Asian Stock Exchanges 16 Comparison of SET, SGX and NYSE 17 Index Composition Comparison mingled with SGX and SET 18 Stock Index Comparison 18 Future move of SETConclusion 2022 Stock Exchange of siamese connectionland History of the Stock Exchange of ThailandThe modern Thai Capital Market was started in 1961 when Thailand implemented its first five-year National Economic and Social Development Plan. It supports the promotion of economic growth and stability as salutary as develops the Kingdoms standard of living. After that, the Second National Economic and Social Development Plan (1967-1971) proposed to set up an orderingly se curities grocery store in order to gather additional crown to support Thailands industrialization and economic discipline. The modern Thai capital market can be divided into two phases, The capital of Thailand Stock Exchange which was privately owned and The Securities Exchange of Thailand.The BSE finally ceased operations in the early 1970s because of a lack of official presidential term support and a limited investor understanding of the equity market Establishment of the Stock Exchange of Thailand Despite the failure of the BSE, the concept of an orderly security market had attracted a lot of Thai people attention. In 1969, as recommended by the World Bank, the government acquired the service of Professor Sidney M. Robbins from Columbia University to line of business the development take of the Thai capital market.In 1972 the Government took a further step in this direction by improving the Announcement of the Executive Council No. 58 on the Control of Commercial Undertakin gs Affecting Public Safety and Welf be. The changes were allowed Government to control more over the operations of finance and securities companies. After that, in 1974, The Securities Exchange of Thailand (SET) was enacted allowing the investment to save in the capital market. By 1975, the basic legislative framework was in place and the Securities Exchange of Thailand officially started trading.On January 1, 1991 its name was formally changed to The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET). Vision Empowering argument and investors through our strengths to match the right fiscal opportunities Mission Clients and Intermediaries Expand business issuers and investor base by satisfying their financial involve and strengthening intermediaries for mutual growth and success Products and Services Offer a considerable range of attractive products and services to create value and match financial opportunities across different segments of business and investors Operations Operate with flawless exe cution according to international standards to ensure efficiency, effectiveness, flexibility and global connectivity People and Culture excite staff to perform up to their fullest potential and create a merged culture that aims at achieving excellence in matching the right financial opportunities for business and investors Regulatory Framework of the Capital Market The Securities and Exchange Act of 1992 (SEA), specified the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as the regulator of the Thai Capital Market.While the SEC oversees the development of the Kingdoms capital market, the Bank of Thailand (BOT) is responsible for the countrys money market. Primary Market The SEC looked over a family that wants to issue new securities, an initial public oblation (IPO) or additional securities to the public. The company must first apply for SEC approval and comply with its filing requirements. Then, the SEC is required to review the financial term and operations of the company before al lowing the firm to issue securities to the public. Secondary MarketSecurities may be traded in the secondary market once the issuer has applied for and been approval by the SET. Operations The Stock Exchange of Thailand is a juristic entity that was set up under the Securities Exchange of Thailand Act, B. E. 2517 (1974). Operations started on April 30, 1975. Its of import operations include securities listing, c be of listed companies and information disclosure, trading, market surveillance and member supervision, information dissemination and investor education. Moreover, its duty is to promote saving and long term financial planning for developing the economy.SET is a center for trading of listed securities without distributing any profit to members. Board of governors Regulatory Framework The SET Board of Governors is comprised of a maximum of eleven people, five of whom be appointive by the SEC, and five who are elected by SET members. The SET President, appointed by the Boa rd, is an ex-officio member of the Board. The Board is also responsible for formulating the SET policies. Management The organisational chart of SET can be classified into two major parts which are Exchange Function and CMDF Function.Each functions organizational structure can be seen below. SETs Role The Stock Exchange of Thailand has been unceasingly improved the management system of listed Thai companies to founder good governing. SET was started to study about the rolesof audit committee in 1995 before the financial crisis. After that, it issued a listing requirement indicating that all listed companies have an audit committee in early 1998. In that year, the SET also issued a guideline namely Code of Best Practices for Directors of Listed Companies to be a guild role of audit committee.Two old age later, the Good Corporate Governance Committee, consisting of representatives from a variety of professional organizations, disseminated a report on corporate governance which se t a framework to be employ by organizations in the Thai capital market for developing good corporate governance systems and practices. The Thai government designated the Compass for Good Corporate Governance and set up the National Corporate Governance Committee (NCGC). In the same year, SET also proposed fifteen principles of good corporate governance for listed companies to implement.The listed companies have to apply the fifteen principles and are required to demonstrate in their annual registration statement (Form 56-1) and annual reports starting from the accounting period closing curtain December 31, 2002. In July 2002, the SET has established the Corporate Governance Center to help listed companies develop their corporate governance system. The Center provides consulting services to and exchanges ideas about corporate governance practices with directors and executives of listed companies, as well as those of firms preparing to be listed companies.Corporate Governance Center Background The SET has established the Corporate Governance Center to support listed companies. It encourages the company to have good corporate governance and stakeholders include shareholders, suppliers, customers, creditors, employees, and the community etc. Corporate Governance Center builds to have confidence investment in Thai capital market which support the knowledge about corporate governance including the developing good corporate governance system and practices. . The Center of consulting service fine-looking advises and exchange idea about corporate governance practices with directors and executives of listed companies as well as those of firms preparing to be listed companies. 2. Corporate Governance Self Assessment Evaluation was followed by the rule of listing company 3. Producing and disseminating a variety of information and materials as guidelines. 4. Holding activities to help educate listed companies directors and executives. Products and ServicesOne of the SET s missions is to Offer a wide range of attractive products and services to create value and match financial opportunities across different segments of business and investors. SET has continuously developed new products and services and improved the system to satisfy needs of the investors. SET group supervises trading activities and market participants to ensure that the market is fair, orderly, and transparent. The products and services of SET are as following. Product The products that SET offers can be classified into 5 major categories equities, adherences, derivatives, exchange-traded stock (ETF), and derivative warrants.The more details of each type are discussed as following. 1. Equities comeliness trading is the trading of securities issued by public companies where shareholders have a direct stake in the company as well as the right to balloting in shareholders meetings. The secondary markets for equities trading are The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) and Market for Alternative Investment (MAI). Types of equities are ordinary shares, preferred share, warrants, unit trusts, non-voting deposit receipt, and depository receipt (DR). SET and MAI are different in terms of the types of equities traded.On SET, investors can trade all types of equities, whereas on MAI preferred shares and depository receipt (DR) are not traded. Market for Alternative Investment or MAI was established in June 1999 in order to encourage the smaller firms with potential high growth and innovation. MAI serves as a new fund-raising reference book for such firms and new alternative investments for investors who are interested. The vision of MAI is We strive to be the right and efficient exchange creating value for high potential, in advance(p) and ventures companies in ASEAN. The core values of MAI are to be focus, accountable, networking, zealous, and innovative. . Bonds After a bond is issued and sold in the primary market, the bond can be electronically traded through Bond Electronic Exchange (BEX), where investors can buy and sell bonds. The market was first launched on November 26th, 2003, and its goal is to develop all facets of the Thai bond market to reach an international standard, on par with other mature bond markets in the rest of the world. 3. Derivatives Derivatives are traded through Thailand Futures Exchange or TFEX which was established on May 17th, 2004. TFEX play a big role in Thailand economy in stabilizing and sustaining financial market and corporates.Derivatives are used to protect companies from unanticipated change of fundamental assets which might be the raw material of the company. In other words, TFEX allows investors to hedge their risk by utilizing derivative products. TFEX has continuously introduced new products to be traded on the market. Up to the present, TFEX has a total of 11 products in 5 categories, which are equity, interest rate, precious metal, energy, and currency. First category, equity derivatives have a total of 4 types, which are SET 50 Index Futures, SET 50 Index Options, Sector Index Futures, and Single Stock Future.Second, derivatives that are traded on interest rate are 3-Month BIBOR Futures, 6-Month THBFIX Futures, and 5-Year Government Bond Futures. Third, derivatives for precious metal are 10 Baht notes Futures, 50 Baht Gold Futures, and Silver Futures. Forth, derivative on energy price is Brent Crude Oil Futures. Fifth, the currency derivative is USD Futures. 4. ETF Exchange-traded fund or ETF is an open-ended mutual fund which is traded on the stock exchange. Through brokers, ETF investors can buy and sell at any time during the trading hours at the prevailing price when the order is executed.The main difference between normal mutual funds and ETF is that mutual fund is normally traded via asset management company or a fund issuer at the end of the trading day while ETF has real-time NAV or Indicative NAV which is calculated throughout the trading hours. With the help of designated market maker or fluidness provider, it allows investors to trade at the market price at any time. ETF is a passive management fund since it basically invests in a basket of key stocks which can be SET 50 Index, a stock sector index, commodity index and commodity price such as gold price and oil price.Mostly, ETF is the replicate of a stock index, reservation the expense and management fee lower for ETF. In contrast, mutual fund is more active making the cost of management more expensive as well. 5. Derivative Warrants (DW) Derivative Warrants give the holder right to buy a stock or an underlying security at the pre-determined price within the stated period for certain quantity. The issuer of derivative warrant is a third party, not the issuer of the underlying securities. Warrants and Derivative Warrants are different in many aspects, as shown in the following table Services 1. Information serviceDue to SET comprehensive, accurate and up-to-date source of Thai liste d companies information, SET provides information service for customers who would like to access and disseminate trading or listed company information either with commercial or non-commercial purpose. Major customers of this service are member companies, data vendors, presses, academic institutes, mutual funds, governmental agencies and general investors. SET Information Service is classified into 3 categories a. Datafeed (raw data for further application) b. SETSMART or SET Market Analysis and Reporting Tool c.IR website service for SET listed companies 2. Listing service on SET Companies that are interested in listing itself on SET have to meet many rules and regulations. Being a listed company gives the company many advantages. The company will have a larger source of long-term capital that is crucially important to enhance its operation, expansion and competitiveness. The company will obtain a better and positive public image collectable to its high standard and transparency gi ving the company with higher bargaining power and companys credibility. Application fees Initial fees Annual fees THB 50,000 0. 5% of pay up capital ( With minimum and maximum of THB 100,000 THB 3,000,000 ) Regressive rate varies with the level of paid up capital as follows less than THB 200 M. at 0. 035 % of paid-up capital THB 200 M. Capital

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Management Accounting – Setting Prices

cco Management Accounting Tutorial 5 15-3. List and briefly describe 4 major enamours on set decisions Customer Demand the demands of nodes are of paramount importance in all phases of business operations, from the design of a yield to the circumstance of its set. Product-design issues and price considerations are interrelated, so they must(prenominal) be examined simultaneously. For example, for a highschooler quality product you need higher quality materials which will affect a higher follow and needs more time and this will lead to a higher set on a product.Also, a manager must non price its product out of the market price range. Actions of Competitors companies must keep an eye on its competitors. If its competitor reduces its price on a product, they exponent have to follow suit to avoid losing its market share. However, one must not follow the actions of its competitors blindly as a company has to predict rivalrous reactions to its product-design and pricing strat egy. The company must also be careful to properly define its product, such that if they increase the price of the product will the consumers continue acquire the product?Costs some prices are determined almost entirely by market forces. Industries such as agriculture where most products are market-driven. To possess a profit, farmers must get under ones skin at a appeal below the market price. This is very risky as it is not always possible to produce at a price lower than the market price and this will inevitably lead to losses for the farmers. In other industries, prices are set by adding a markup to production be so managers do have some latitude in determining the markup. Therefore, both market forces and cost considerations heavily influence prices.No organization or industry can price its products below their production costs indefinitely. And no companys management can set prices blindly at a cost plus a markup without keeping an eye on the market. Political, Legal and i mage-related issues managers must adhere to certain laws. The law generally prohibits companies from swell among their customers in background signal prices. It is also forbidden in collusion in price setting between major regulars. Political considerations also can be relevant.For example, if the firms in an industry are perceived by the public as reaping unfairly large profits, there may be political pressure on legislators to tax those profits differentially or to intervene in some way to regulate prices Companies also consider their public image in the price-setting process. A firm with a reputation for very high quality products may set the price of a new product high to be pursuant(predicate) with its image. 15-11. Write the general enactment for undetermined pricing, and briefly explain its use. Price = Cost + (Markup % * Cost) 15-12. List the 4 common cost brutishs used in cost-plus pricing.How can they all result in the same price? Variable manufacturing cost + (Mar kup % * Variable manufacturing cost) Absorption manufacturing cost + (Markup % * Absorption manufacturing cost) contribute cost + (Markup % * Total cost) Total variable cost + (Markup % * Total variable cost) Several different definitions of cost, each combined with a different markup percentage can result in the same price for a product or service. 15-13. List 4 reasons frequently cited for the widespread use of absorption cost as the cost vile in cost-plus pricing formulas. In the long run, the price must over all costs and a normal profit margin.Basing the cost-plus formula on only variable costs could encourage managers to set also low a price in order to boost sales. This will not happen if managers understand that a variable cost-plus pricing formula requires a higher markup to cover fixed costs and profit. Nevertheless, many managers argue that populate tend to view the costs base in a cost-plus pricing formula as the floor for setting prices. If prices are set als o close to variable manufacturing cost, the firm will fail to cover its fixed costs. Ultimately, such a practice could result in the failure of the business. Absorption-cost or original-cost pricing formulas provide a justifiable price that tends to be perceived as equitable by all parties. Consumers generally understand that a company must make a profit on its product or service in order to remain in business. Justifying a price as the total cost of production, sales, and administrative activities, plus a reasonable profit margin, seems reasonable to buyers. When a companys competitors have similar operations and cost structure, cost-plus pricing based on full costs gives management an idea of how competitors may set prices Absorption-cost information is provided by a firms cost accounting system, because it is required for external financial reporting under generally accepted accounting principles. Since absorption-cost information already exists, it is cost-effective to use it for pricing. The alternative would need preparing picky product-cost data specifically for the pricing decision. In a firm with hundreds of products, such data could be expensive to product. 15-14. What is the primary disadvantage of basing the cost-plus pricing formula on absorption cost? The primary disadvantage of absorption-cost or total-cost pricing formulas is hat they obscure the cost behavior pattern of the firm. Since absorption-cost and total-cost data embroil allocated fixed costs, it is not clear from these data how the firms total costs will change as book of account changes. Another way of stating this criticism is that absorption-cost data are not consistent with cost-volume-profit analysis. CVP analysis emphasizes the distinction between fixed and variable costs. This approach enables managers to predict the effects of changes in prices and sales volume on profit. Absorption-cost and total-cost information obscures the distinction between variable and fixed cost s. 5-15. List 3 advantages of pricing based on variable cost Variable-cost data do obscure the cost behavior pattern by unitizing fixed costs and making them appear variable. Thus, variable-cost information is more consistent with cost-volume profit analysis often used by managers to see the profit implications of changes in price and volume Variable-cost data do not require allocation of common fixed costs to individual product lines. Variable-cost data are exactly the type of information managers need when facing certain decisions, such as whether to accept a special order.This decision often requires an analysis that separates fixed and variable costs 15-16. Explain the behavioral problem that can result when cost-plus prices are based on variable cost. If the managers perceive the variable cost of a product or service as the floor for the price, they may tend to set the price too low for the firm to cover its fixed costs. Therefore, if variable-cost data are used as the basis for cost-plus pricing, managers must understand the need for higher markups to take care that all costs are covered. 15-17. Briefly explain the concept of return-on-investment pricingA common approach to determine the profit margin in cost-plus pricing is to base profit on the firms tail return on investment 15-18. Explain the phrase price-led costing. tail costing sets the target cost by first determining the price at which a product can be sold in the marketplace. Subtracting the target profit margin from this target price yields the target cost, that is, the cost at which the product must be fabricate. This simple, but strategically important, relationship can expressed in the following equationTarget cost = Target price Target profit 15-19. Why is a focus on the customer such a key principle of target costing? To be successful at target costing, management must listen to the companys customers. Management needs to aggressively seek customer feedback and then the products must be designed to satisfy customer demand and be sold at a price they are willing to pay. In short, the target costing approach is market driven. 15-25. Describe the following approaches to pricing new products skimming pricing, penetration pricing and target costing.Skimming pricing which the initial product price is set high, and short-term profits are reaped on the new product. The initial market will be small, due in part to the high initial price. This pricing approach often is used for unique products, where there are people who must have it whatever the price. As the product gains sufferance and its appeal broadens, the price is lowered gradually. Eventually, the product is priced in range that appeals to several kinds of buyers. Penetration pricing which the initial price is set relatively low. By setting a low price for a new product, the management hopes to penetrate a ew market deeply, quickly gaining a large market share. This pricing approach often is used for produc ts that are of good quality, but do not stand out as vastly better than competing products. Target cost where the company first uses market research to determine the price at which a new product can be sold. Given the likely sales price, management computes the cost for which the product must be manufacture in order to provide the firm with the cost for which the product must be manufactured in order to provide the firm with an acceptable profit margin.Finally, the engineers and cost analysts work together to design a product that can be manufactured for the allowable costs. This method is used widely by companies in the development stages of new products. It is projected long-run cost that will enable a firm to enter and remain in the market for the product and compete successfully with the firms competitors. 15-27. Briefly explain the potential negative consequences in pricing decisions from using a traditional, volume-based product-costing system. Use of a traditional, volume-bas ed product-costing system may result in significant cost distortion among product lines.In many cases, high-volume and relatively simple products are overcosted while low-volume and complex products are undercosted. This results from the fact that high0volume and relatively simple products require proportionately less activity per unit for various manufacturing support activities than do low-volume and complex products, yet a traditional product-costing system, in which all overhead is assigned on the basis of a single unit-level activity like DL hours, it fails to capture the cost implications of product diversity.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Marjane Satrapi – Persepolis

Marjane Satrapis book Persepolis is alternatively c completelyed by the critics a graphic novel or an autobiographical jovial sketch. The book is made up of a series of black and white illustrations, arranged in little episodes that represent different scenes from the life of Marjanes family, in Tehran. It begins immediately after the Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979 and continues with the first four years of the war amid Iraq and Iran. The main(prenominal) character in the write up is Marjane herself, who is ten years old when the revolution starts.Although both the language of the novel and the illustrations be very simple and straightfor guard, only revealing the essential facts of the story, the book is moreover very effective and delivers its message as well as any other text. The scarcity of text doesnt cut down on its literary value, on the contrary, the book seems to gain a lot from this brief and report-like writing style. The main reason for this is the fact that th e author creates a sharp contrast between the objective, documentary style, with its brief sentences and its matter-of- fact information and the personal narrative that is actually conveyed to the reader.The subjective point of view in the book is only hinted at in an apparently impersonal tone. Moreover, Marjane Satrapi intentionally substitutes the ten years old girl for herself, and thus manages to register her reaction as a child to the religious and political movements in Iran. The girl actually grows as a character by the end of the book, passing, like any character of fiction, from one stage to another in her development. This is achieved mainly by dint of the careful notation of the childs reactions to every event mentioned in the book. Although all the statements in the novel seem unbiased, Marjane Satrapi succeeds in conveying her own message as if she had written a truly subjective and explanatory narrative of her experiences.Although very succinctly, the book captures the absurdities of the fundamentalist movement in Marjanes country, with the array of social and political transformations that took place afterwards. completely this is done in an ironic tone, although again, the writing style remains unornamented.One by one the main social and political problems are displayed, from the dispute around the subject of the veil that the women have to usurp all the time, according to the fundamentalists, to the closing of the all bilingual schools and of all universities for two years, or the closing of the American embassy because of the attacks of the religious fanatics. The author cleverly unmasks the backward views of the new political regime, who was capable of closing the schools so as to ward off the dangerous capitalist ideas that were cultivated thereThe educational system and what is written in schoolbooks, at all levels, are decadent. Everything needs to be revise to ensure that our children are not led astray. (Satrapi, 25)At the same tim e that the crucial events of going on in the country are related (mostly in the form of television reports, as the family actually found out the news probably), there are also many events that involve the family as well, like the womens protest against fundamentalism and the veil, which is rapidly suppressed by the political forces, or the attack that the girls mother suffers on the street because she doesnt wear the veil.Society also changes, and the parents of the girl note that the same people who engaged in usual liberal activities before, like wearing modern clothes or drinking, suddenly change these habits outwardly and start lying. The moment when Marjanes mother tells her to tell everyone that all she does at home is pray is very ironical If anyone asks you what you do during the day, you say pray, you understand?(Satrapi, 29) In very few words and illustrations, Satrapi manages to portray the Iranian society after the Islamic Revolution, with its insincerity and fear of per secution.All through the book, Marjane evolves by reacting to the environment that surrounds her and by understanding new things. The author carefully transcribes her reactions for example, during first episode or The Veil, the girl remarks that she really didnt subsist what to think about the veil (Satrapi, 2), capturing thus the dilemma and awe of the child, who although deeply religious, was at the same time used to the modern ways of her family.Other reactions and pinchs are registered in the book, like the dream of the girl to become a prophet, or the moment when the family comes back from Spain to find out that the war had begun in Iran, and Marjane experiences a feeling of patriotism, and discovers that she wanted to fight for her country. Her desire to become a chemist like Marie Currie follows, and then more rebellious years as an adolescent who listens to American music.All these examples and many more, manage to portray ten years old Marjane as a strong character who i s able keeps her views in the midst of the general confusion and fear, and to cope with the war and violence that surrounded them. The book makes a good literary work especially because of the personal voice of Marjane, which although it is not really hear as such, vibrates through the ironic and objective style. The genre that Satrapi creates is thus at once documentary because it is true and autobiographic, and literary, since as all literary works, it manages to convey a lot more than can be read at the surface of the textWorks CitedSatrapi, Marjane. Persepolis. New York Pantheon Books, 2003

Monday, May 20, 2019

Preferred language style Essay

Hypoglycemia is a condition in which the glucose level present in the production line drops to a level below the normal range. It can develop both in type 1 diabetes mellitus and type II diabetes mellitus. Frequently, this is a very severe health issue in diabetics and has severe effects. The doctor may be able to identify and treat diabetic ketoacidosis and diabetic non-ketotic coma early, hardly hypoglycemia turns out to be a serious problem as it is often not know in diabetes.In trusted cases, hypoglycemia occurs suddenly, and by the time one recognizes that they atomic number 18 hypoglycemic it may be too late to take comprise of the situation. If hypoglycemia is left untreated for a spacious time, especially in a diabetic, the chances of permanent brain damage ar very high. Hypoglycemia is besides associated with several cardiovascular disorders such(prenominal) as heart attacks, stroke, cardiac failure and arrhythmias, myocardial ischemia, and so forth In elders, th e risk of losing consciousness and developing seizures is especially high.Associated injuries that develop during the hypoglycemic-associated complications such fractures, injuries to the legs, etc, may be especially knotty to heal in diabetics. Hypoglycemia in elders is responsible for causing visual and coordination problems. In elders, hypoglycemic symptoms are often perceived as symptoms of ischemia, both by the congresss and the healthcare professionals. This difficulty in recognizing the symptoms worsens the outcome of the disorder.As age increases, the symptoms of hypoglycemia become less severe, and are often altered by the addition of certain atypical symptoms and the absence of the regular ones. In younger individuals, somatic symptoms of hypoglycemia develop earlier than that compared to blemish of cognitive functions. Hence, the individual may have sufficient time to treat the condition. Besides, if the glucose levels in the blood pin to a very low level, it cannot be restored to normal by administering glucose orally.Usually a close relative or the spouse can recognize the symptoms of hypoglycemia by noting that the patient looks at a withdrawnness or demonstrates several other symptoms such as repeated blinking, loss of speaking skills, deep breathing, aggressiveness, etc. It may be considered that individuals with greater control over their diabetes are also in good control of hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia can occur during fasting and even after consumption of food (as a right mechanism). Hypoglycemia can occur following several drug therapies such as along with steroids, beta-blockers, ethanol, insulin, disopyramide, etc.Hypoglycemia can evidently lead to neuroglycemia. Although, 50 mg/dl of blood is considered to be hypoglycemia, symptoms are produced at 40 mg/dl, and coma and seizures frequently occur at 20 mg/dl. As hypoglycemia can occur frequently and has a high rate of mortality as hearty as morbidity, the importance of identifying a nd treating it should be explained to the patient and his/her relatives. The individual should be warned of the symptoms that could develop during the mild (confusion, light-headedness, etc), moderate (headache, expression alternations, etc) and serious (seizures, coma, unconsciousness) stages of hypoglycemia.The individual should also be told of the situations in which hypoglycemia can commonly develop such as excessive consumption of anti-diabetic medications, excessive use of insulin, reduced consumption of foods, additional exercises or physical activity, alcohol consumption, etc. The individual should be advsied of the hypoglycemic symptoms that can develop during sleep (such as sweating, nightmare, hunger, etc). consequently it can be seen that hypoglycemia is a frequent complication especially in diabetes. It should be adequately controlled utilizing some simple precautions.In case the individual develops hypoglycemia, immediate recognition and emergency treatment is deman d in order to prevent the development of neuroglycemia and serious complications like permanent brain damage.References Boyle, P. J. (2000). Hypoglycemia, In. Leahy, N. L. , Clark, N. G. , and Cefalu, W. T. (Ed. ), Medical focal point of Diabetes Mellitus, New York Marcel-Dekher. Mangione, R. A. (1996). Recognition and Management of Hypoglycemia, Retrieved 14 Janaury, 2007, from US Pharmcist Web site http//care.diabetesjournals.org/cgi/content/full/28/12/2948

Sunday, May 19, 2019

My Vision Of The Future

My vision of the future in education is one where the learning commons, dwell by forward-thinking, ever-learning teacher-librarians, is the centre of the universe in a school the go-to for students, teachers, and parents as they navigate an increasingly tech-heavy solid ground where 21st century and personalized learning increasingly replace outmoded forms of schooling. I personally do not have a particular attachment to traditional education for a signifier of primer coats.One reason is that our education system is not really all that traditional. Why? Because in the whole scheme of things, the in advance(p) education system has been a short-term experiment (a mere blip of human time at around 150 years or less) based on the latter days of a historic era known as the Industrial Age. For eons before this, humans tended to rely on watching, doing, apprenticeships, and interactions with a variety of members of the community.With modern digital tools, we goat go back to learning i n these ways, but vastly change upon them by expanding the definition of community to include people, places, and information far beyond our physical reach, and to allow for greater individualization, creativity, and collaboration than ever before possible. Others, however, might feel rather attached to education as it presently is.If this is because the thought of doing otherwise is overwhelming, this resource is for you it is a basic primer on how teacher-librarians and learning commons can assist teachers in modernizing the classroom. Please either hover over the My Vision of the Future tab and lead to read and view sections of this presentation, or simply follow the link at the bottom of each page, such(prenominal) as this one As technology advances, its educational applications have evolved as well.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Describe Both the Positive and Negative Impacts of Globalization to Singapore Essay

There ar many definitions for globalization. With the rapid development of good inventions and increasing economic bonding, most tend to regard globalization as a non-border platform, where the exchange of goods, resources, and reading in all aspects take places vigorously in the present world. Apart from those materials, the movement of people in any case becomes frequent when the connection to every corner in the globe has been built up via advanced technology.In general, globalization not only breaks the obstacles of communication scarce also provides more profitable markets, which indicate a path to affluence. Without any doubt, every country tries to formulate and implement the suitable policies in order to put on the advantages offered from globalization. Singapore is no exception. However, this unstoppable phenomenon can also be considered a double-edged sword. It could either better or deteriorate the basic social issues. In terms of the education in Singapore, globali zation hence equips the students with strong emulousness and international view.Since English become the language mainly used around the world, the administration has started promoting English-learning environment in order to structure the track linking to the international stage. And it is proved afterwards that this strategy has successfully brought out the positive impact of globalization in Singapore. The evidence is that more and more famous universities from the westernmost are drawn to establish branch campuses in Singapore. For instance, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore was founded in 2000 and Imperical College London-Nanyang Technological University was set up later on in 2010.These two premium schools provide fortune and professional instruction in medical area. College of Medicine in NUS is no longer the only choice for those who are keen to be a doctor. The students in Singapore are given diverse chances but equally well-trained. Meanwhile, the influx of f oreign educational system not only pours in fresh zippo but also opens a window for students to look further and widely. As for the country, the limited resources are spread out to nurture more elites, which is beneficial in a long-term. The structure of workforce is also changed as globalization sets in.Importing foreign workers has become one of governments policies in attempt to maintain competitive labor. The foreign labor can be described as well-paid workers. The benefits that attach to the introduction of foreign workers are showed as advanced idea, skills, and experiences constantly flow into industries. Local workers can also gain international expertness and strengthened the capability via global network. Muti-National Corporations in Singapore render local employees workshops to further technical experience and personal development, and even send them abroad to other international branches.In this way, a steadfast nates has been transplanted into Singapores workforce. Despite of all undeniable advantages of globalization, still, some downsides gradually slip into the society. For those at the shadower of social scale and unskilled worker, it becomes harder to survive in the society. With weak competitiveness, they are left far puke while Singapores economy as a whole places an impressive record in recent years. In other words, the rich becomes richer and the poor becomes poorer. It is a sign revealing a crisis of M-Form Society. centerfield class gradually disappears and remain two extremes in the society, poverty and affluence. Government also takes on the venture of investment in foreign companies. The investment takes large cost at very beginning and efficacy not return profit in the immediate term. Subsequently, economic restructuring and uncertainty will accompany with the investment. On the other hand, as a result of global linked economy, the nation becomes more fragile. When September eleventh terrorist attack afflicted the economy l eader, USA, it contributed to a domino effect around the world.Singapore also suffered from economic recession due to the close business partnership with USA. Some companies were forced to close or fixed to lay off a part of employees. The fast rise of unemployment rate bombarded the society at that distributor point of time. Nowadays, the world has been inevitably encountering the impacts of globalization although they are not fully positive. Government should weigh both advantages and disadvantages in order to find the balance in between. Therefore, the max benefits could be shared in society and downplay the potential problems derived from globalization.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Case Study – Bowel Cancer

Bowel malignant neoplastic disease The bowel is a long tube that is made up of the shrimpy bowel, colon and rectum. The bowel absorbs nutrients from food and also processes waste products into faeces to be removed from the body. Bowel genus Cancer is nookycer of the rectum or colon. Bowel back endcer develops from small raised growths called polyps which atomic number 18 found in the national lining of the bowel. These polyps spate either be non genus Cancerous and harmless (benign) or they give the gate be stomachcerous (malignant).All polyps should be removed to reduce the risk of these polyps becoming cancerous or spreading the disease further. most polyps can be removed without surgery with a routine called a colonoscopy. If these polyps are not removed, they can grow deeper into the bowel and spread into areas close to the area and later can spread to the liver or lungs. Causes Bowel cancer can be hereditary passed down from a before generation save mainly age and li festyle factors also contribute to the development of bowel cancer.According to the Better Health driveway (BHC)(2011), There is some evidence that having a diet that consists of red meat and drinking alcohol can lead to the cause of bowel cancer. Bowel cancer is much common in people old 50 socio-economic classs or older. In relation to Lou who is 75, eats red meat from the cattle from his set up and also drinks alcohol, his risk factors for bowel cancer was high. This inability to pass bowel movements showed that he had a very high chance of having bowel cancer. Symptoms * Blood or mucus in the faeces Weakness and ghastliness * Diarrhoea * Constipation * Finding your faeces are narrower than usual * Feeling that your bowel doesnt set down completely Prevalence rates According to Bowel Cancer Australia (BCA)(2010), Bowel cancer is the responsible for the chip biggest cancer related deaths after lung cancer with 14,234 people being diagnosed with bowel cancer each year and 4047 deaths occurring due to bowel cancer. The older you drop dead the greater the risk of developing bowel cancer becomes with Cancer Council Australia CCA)(2011), quoting that 1 in 12 Australians develop bowel cancer before the age of 85. Bowel cancer is the most curable cancer and if detected and removed early, the cure rate is 90%, however in most cases bowel cancer is detected in its later stage and therefore has a 60% cure rate. Table Age vs Number of cases. Obtained from Australian Institute of Health and Wellfare (2006). Socio-Ecological Model Socio-Ecological Model (SEM) is a framework that recognises the relationship that is present between an individual and its adjoin environment.This model looks at not besides at an individual reducing risk and improving health but also looks at the outermost environment. These include the public policy, the community, organisations, interpersonal and the individual themselves. People who are diagnosed with bowel cancer can support from psychological problems due to the trauma of going through the procedures when diagnosing the cancer (such as colonoscopy) or from during the procedure where the doctor has to perform surgery on the patient.Mainly psychological affects will come from the fear of death and can lead them to withdraw themselves from friends and family leading to the sufferer not being affectionately active and not having that community that is needed to get through the mental trauma that can be associated when dealing with bowel cancer. In this case the SEM can be implemented as for a patient that is suffering from psychological problems as they would need good interpersonal relationships (friends and family) and organisational involvement (social institutions) to be there to help the patient deal with their indisposition as best as possible.As in the case of Lou from the case study, he is moving 50 km away from his home, friends and family and therefore could lead him to feel that he cant conne ct with anyone and lead to worked up and social consequences which include depression. genial Services and broadcasts There are many support groups and services that are available to help a cancer patient when needed. If these are utilised, it can be beneficial in dealing with the emotional and social impacts that come with the disease.These include * Homecare This I when a social worker or nurse provides a cancer patient with their basic needs e. g. running errands, preparing meals, medication delivery and can have regular visits from physical therapists. This is a good asset as patients often feel more comfortable in their own home where they can be close to friends and family. This puts a great assume on other people like social workers, nurses and physical therapists to play a major part for home care to be achieved. This is also applied from the (SEM). Social workers Can either be seen at home from home care or cancer patients can go see social workers. Social workers can of fer counselling, counselling for the future, access to support groups and referrals to specialists. This Is good as it can help a cancer patient during and after they have cancer. * Cancer rehabilitation programs The Cancer Nutrition Rehabilitation Program gives cancer patients entropyrmation about diet, physical activity, treatment and other needs to successfully become rehabilitated.The social worker helps the patient generate the needs necessary and give them general direction on how to become and maintain a healthy state after cancer. Conclusion Bowel cancer can be successfully treated and cured if early detection is made. This early detection will heighten the chances of option then if it is found at a later stage. Regular checkups for people over 50 years of age are necessary to ensure that this early detection occurs. While an individual is responsible to obtain a healthy lifestyle, other factors need to be taken into account as outlined from the SEM.If individuals and th e surrounding environment are linked together as one then becoming and staying healthy can be achieved. Reference List. 1. Polglase A (2010) Lets beat bowel cancer. Australian Pharmacist. Vol 29, issue 5, 414-416. Available from, http//ea3se7mz8x. search. serialssolutions. com/? ctx_ver=Z39. 88-2004ctx_enc=info%3Aofi%2Fenc%3AUTF-8rfr_id=infosid/summon. serialssolutions. comrft_val_fmt=infoofi/fmtkevmtxjournalrft. genre=articlerft. atitle=Let%27s+Beat+Bowel+Cancerrft. jtitle=Australian+P